usher in是什么意思 usher in的中文翻译、读音、例句

usher in是什么意思 usher in的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:usher in a new era(开创新时代)、usher in the new year(迎接新年)


发音拼写:[ˈʌʃər ɪn]


1. The discovery of antibiotics ushered in a new era of medicine.(抗生素的发现开启了医学的新时代。)

2. We are about to usher in the new year.(我们即将迎接新年了。)

3. The arrival of the internet ushered in a new era of communication.(互联网的到来开创了通信的新时代。)

4. The new policy will usher in significant changes to the education system.(新政策将为教育系统带来重大变革。)

5. The ringing of church bells ushered in the start of the wedding ceremony.(教堂钟声迎接了婚礼仪式的开始。)


读音:/ˈʌʃər ɪn/


1. The new law will usher in a new era of transparency and accountability.(新法律将开创透明和问责制的新时代。)

2. The invention of the smartphone ushered in a major technological revolution.(智能手机的发明引领了一场重大的科技革命。)

3. The arrival of the new year ushers in a time of reflection and goal-setting.(新年的到来带来了反思和制定目标的时期。)

usher in的中文解释是"开创",其中文解释还有"迎接"的意思,读音为[usherin],usher in常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到46个与usher in相关的例句。

Usher in的翻译


例句:I would absolutely love To work with Shakira or Usher. (我当然想和Shakira或者Usher合作)


例句:Coming up Shakira and Usher fight to fill their teams. (接下来 Shakira和Usher激烈争夺)


usher in一般作为名词使用,如在usher(引座员 )、usher ... in(na. 迎接(来客);传报\n[网络] 开创;开始;引领)、Fort Usher([地名] 阿舍堡 ( 津 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

usher ... inna. 迎接(来客);传报\n[网络] 开创;开始;引领
Fort Usher[地名] 阿舍堡 ( 津 )
gentleman usher[复数] gentlemen ushers (宫廷中的)引见官;为贵族引路的侍从
James Usher[网络] 厄谢尔
medicinal usher药引
Usher Fort[地名] 厄舍堡 ( 加纳 )
usher of court[法] 法庭传达员
usher out领出,引出,送出


1. Taylor Beckham now on team Shelton. (翻译:前Usher队成员 - 被纳入Blake队 - 我很高兴)

2. Give it up, representing team Usher, Jess and Taylor. (翻译:掌声送给Usher队的Jess和Taylor)

3. And steals her from Usher. (翻译

4. Let's talk to Shakira first and give coach Usher a minute to take all that in. (翻译:先从Shakira开始 给Usher点时间消化)

5. But Blake and Usher were quick to try and steal Luke Edgemon. (翻译:但Blake和Usher眼疾手快 抢偷Luke Edgemon)

6. Usher steals C. Perkins on his way out. (翻译:Usher在C. Perkins退场的时候偷走了他)

7. Usher, you better say something, man, or she's gonna go with shakira. (翻译:Usher 你倒是说啊 她要选Shakira了)

8. Usher, shakira, blake, and adam, They're all performing (翻译:Usher Shakira Blake和Adam)

9. Usher is my idol and just want to make Usher proud by going out there and doing my absolute best. (翻译:Usher是我的偶像 我想做到最好 令他骄傲)

10. Perkins. Usher landed former model Audrey karrasch (翻译:Usher勇抢前模特Audrey Karrasch)

11. Usher landed indie pop singer jess kellner (翻译:Usher得到了独立流行歌手Jess Kellner)

12. Usher, why is it about Caroline? (翻译:- 谢谢你 - 射哥 Caroline有什么特质)

13. ♪ Promise to love you The best i can ♪ (翻译:Usher转身啊 ♪Promise to love you the best I can♪)

14. Blake, usher, shakira, and adam. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs19\cH00FFFFFF\2cH006D6D6D\3cH000080FF\shad0\b1}Blake Usher Shakira Adam)

15. Carson: He took a risk singing "Usher's you got it bad" (翻译:他冒险选唱了Usher的《You Got It Bad》)

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