merchant fleets是什么意思 merchant fleets的中文翻译、读音、例句

merchant fleets是什么意思 merchant fleets的中文翻译、读音、例句

merchant fleets通常被翻译为"商船队"的意思,在英美地区还有"商船队"的意思,发音音标为[merchantfleets],merchant fleets来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到22个与merchant fleets相关的例句。

Merchant fleets的词典翻译


例句:In the peaceful interludes the plant turned out fleets of Ford Escorts, a popular family car. (和平间隙他们也生产了大量消费者喜爱的家用小车福特伊斯考思。)


merchant fleets一般作为名词使用,如在fleets(n. 舰队( fleet的名词复数 ); 车队; 捕鱼船队; (同一机构或统一调度的)机群)、dirt merchant(营销上)、domestic merchant([经] 国内商人)等常见短语中出现较多。

fleetsn. 舰队( fleet的名词复数 ); 车队; 捕鱼船队; (同一机构或统一调度的)机群
dirt merchant营销上
domestic merchant[经] 国内商人
doom merchant[网络] 注定的买卖
dishonest merchant[法] 奸商
dread merchant恐惧
enterprising merchant事业心强的商人
export merchant[经] 出口商
feather merchant[旧俚语]逃避责任的人;闲混的人;逃避兵役的人


1. In the video a moment ago, you saw fleets of new viruses launching from infected cells. (翻译:在之前你们在视频中 看到从感染细胞中产生出一组新的病毒。)

2. Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you. (翻译:任何一位内行的葡萄酒商人都能为你提出建议。)

3. Buyers receive points for purchases from any Rakuten merchant, which they can redeem for discounts at any other merchant. (翻译:消费者可以从乐天市场的所有商家那里获得与所购商品相对应的点数,这些点数可在任何其他商家那里兑换为折扣。)

4. What you imagine one of our vast fleets to be . . . triple it three times! (翻译:你可以想象我们巨大舰队会是什么样子…然后三倍再加三倍与它!)

5. Road safety charity Brake is calling on fleets to consider the use of telematics to monitor drivers and vehicles. (翻译:道路安全制动协会建议车队使用信息技术监测司机和车辆状况。)

6. Big, high-tech fleets ensure that everything in their path is pulled out of water. (翻译:大型、高科技的船队确保他们路途中所经过的一切都被从水里拉了出来。)

7. No bone... only flesh". "Merchant of Venice." (翻译:不可含软骨,不可带硬骨』 莎士比亚歌剧『威尼斯商人』)

8. The Spanish treasure fleets loaded up here en route to Europe. (翻译:西班牙人运送财宝的舰队过去经常在这里载满货物,返回欧洲。建造这些巨大的海堤就是为了保护他们的货物。)

9. A sort of merchant banker, personnel manager and estate agent. (翻译:兼任银行家 A sort of merchant banker, 人事主管和不动产经济人 personnel manager and estate agent.)

10. I need to pay the wine merchant, my colour man... (翻译:我需要付钱给酒馆以及颜料商人... I need to pay the wine merchant, my colour man...)

11. The merchant could only pay the laborer in driblets. (翻译:那商人只能零星地付给那工人工钱。)

12. Look here Amidral, the enemy fleets have already exceeded 200, (翻译:看看吧统制公 敌军船舰已经超过二百艘 你可知我军兵士屡有逃亡)

13. The British merchant vessel, ss Kiawo, was camouflaged and armored at Ichang. (翻译:英国商船“嘉禾”号在宜昌被装甲和伪装。)

14. One day this magician foretold the death of a rich merchant. The merchant was a favourite of the king. (翻译:一天,这个魔术师预言了一位富商的死期,这个富商是国王最得意的人。)

15. The rebel army got weapons from a merchant ship in Nanohana... (翻译:叛乱军获得了冲进纳诺哈那镇的武器商船中的武器)

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