例句:Meta Analysis of Factors Related to Hydrocephalus after Aneurismal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (动脉瘤蛛网膜下腔出血性脑积水相关因素Meta分析)
例句:Briefly, to address this, our research program is focused around three meta-themes, or questions. (简而言之,为了找到这个答案,我们的研究项目 主要围绕着三个方面或者问题展开。)
1. It's not been easy, but so far I seem to have benefited from meta-meta learning. (翻译:这过程不轻松,但是现在看来,我已经从元学习中受益了。)
2. The platform has been likened to a meta language or language superset. (翻译:这个平台曾被喻为元语言或语言超集。)
3. To create an XMI schema for the enterprise architecture meta-model defined in the context of this project. (翻译:为处于本项目上下文环境中的企业架构元模型建立了XMI格式。)
4. Several files are generated in META-INF. (翻译:在META - INF中生成了多个文件。)
5. Semantically, the excessive construction allows only a volitional agent and denotes a telic situation. (翻译:就语意上而言,过量结构只允许有意志性的施事者,并描述一个有界的情况。)
6. This unconventional meta-awareness created philosophical complexity, as the knight and his squire ponder the meaning of their story. (翻译:这种一反常规的超越式的思考意识 创造出哲学层面的复杂性, 骑士和随从开始思考 他们的故事带来了何种意义。)
7. Your kind... gitta-gita no metta-meta de... (翻译:你们这种家伙 肯定被教训得体无完肤...)
8. Phil Wainewright has a pretty good take on Gartner's list, distilling it down to three meta-trends. (翻译:菲尔wainewright有不错的名单,接受Gartner蒸馏到三meta - trends。)
9. The microstructure and properties of new type meta bainited steel are studied. (翻译:研究了新型准贝氏体钢的组织特征与性能特点。)
10. Don't know. Maybe meta-suppressants to subordinate blood characteristics. (翻译:不知道,可能是用了抑制后的药物 来改变血液的特征)
11. Furthermore, traceability is not the only meta-information to be captured for requirements. (翻译:此外,追溯不是对于需求所获取的唯一的元信息。)
12. Once approved, BDPM would provide a meta-model for business process modeling. (翻译:一旦它被认可,BPDM将能够为业务过程建模提供元模型。)
13. Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) is a new meta-heuristic algorithm. (翻译:提出了一种基于混合因子分析的分布估计算法。)
14. I'll say that while I was in Rome I meta very sweet Spanish girl. (翻译:我说我在罗马见到了一个非常棒的西班牙女孩)
15. Once approved, BDPM would provide a meta-model for business process modeling. (翻译:一旦它被认可,BPDM将能够为业务过程建模提供元模型。)