例句:as my gift, and thine own acquisition wort'hily purchas'd, take my daughter. (那么,当作是我的礼物 亦是你赢得的收获 接受我的女儿)
例句:Li Ming likes New Yesr's cakes, but Li Ming says dumplings are nicer that cakes. (李明喜华新年蛋糕,但是李明说饺子比蛋糕更好吃。)
1. In Ming Dynasty, XuZiZhiTongJian of Wang Zong-Mu is the first continuous work of ZiZhiTongJian in the original J-Teisai in Yuan and Ming dynasty. (翻译:明代王宗沐的《续资治通鉴》是元明时期第一部以《通鉴》 原典体例来续著宋元史的续通鉴类史书。)
2. Li Ming:Then what about this cloisonne necklace? (翻译:李明:那么,这条景泰蓝项链如何。)
3. Melatonin can be found in some plants such as St. John's Wort. (翻译:褪黑激素可以从一些诸如神约翰斯麦芽汁一类植物中摄取。)
4. Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty is the mausoleum of the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the world cultural heritage as well. (翻译:明孝陵是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋的陵寝,现今已经成为世界文化遗产之一。)
5. On top of the crisis with the Ming envoy coming early? (翻译:武术指导 郑都洪 设计 闵言玉 还有明国的使者早到了)
6. They're... they're good, despite boiling wort being thrown into them. (翻译:- 它们 - 它们好, 尽管麦汁煮沸 被扔进他们。)
7. The effect is a less fermentable wort, with a bit more mouthfeel than beer made with a pale ale malt. (翻译:它的作用是比啤酒更有一种麦芽麦酒的口感,较不容易发酵。)
8. As a result of scientific research, St John's Wort is now taken, worldwide, for the maintenance of healthy emotional balance and wellbeing. (翻译:因此科研,圣约翰草是现在采取全球,为维护健康的情感平衡和健康。)
9. Or maybe Ming, to keep him wired into his Chinese-ness. (翻译:或者叫明 保留他的中华血统 Or maybe Ming, to keep him wired into his Chinese -ness.)
10. It was built in Qin Dyansty and rebuilt in Ming Dynasty. (翻译:它始建于秦汉赵孟俯和明代重建。)
11. Ah Ming, where are the thieves? (翻译:盗匪在哪里,阿明,盗匪在哪里 快点拍吧,周围拍吧 没有,不要拍)
12. Hao Ming left me crouching at the altar. (翻译:郝萌把我一个人丢在了圣坛 她落了什么东西吗?)
13. This is online map of the address "Pu Ming Xiang Pu Ming Bei Lu , Fucheng District, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国四川省绵阳市涪城区普明乡普明北路”匹配的在线电子地图。)
14. His name is Ming What he told Hero (翻译:他对英雄说的一番话,可以说是 影响到英雄以后一生的命运)
15. Ming. You like Salt-N-Pepa? (翻译:成立于xx年 史上最成功的女子Rap组合)