minimal cinema是什么意思 minimal cinema的中文翻译、读音、例句

minimal cinema是什么意思 minimal cinema的中文翻译、读音、例句

minimal cinema的意思是"最低限电影",其中文解释还有"最低限电影"的意思,单词读音音标为[minimalcinema],minimal cinema在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到66个与minimal cinema相关的句子。

Minimal cinema的词典翻译


例句:Making the world a better place, through minimal message oriented transport layers. (为了创造更美好的人间 Making the world a better place, 我们要实现传输层的最小发包率 through minimal message oriented transport layers.)


minimal cinema一般作为名词使用,如在cinema(电影院 )、the cinema([网络] 电影院;刘梅正在往电影院去的路上;电影艺术)、minimal(最小的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

the cinema[网络] 电影院;刘梅正在往电影院去的路上;电影艺术
digital cinema数字电影
educational cinema教育电影
electronic cinema电子制片
expanded cinema【电影】舞台电影;综合艺术演出,电影与现场演出相结合的艺术表演,电影与舞台剧混合演出;采用混合艺术效应法的电影技术,混合艺术形式 (=intermedia)[参较 mixed media]
free cinema{英国}自由电影
go to cinema看电影去


1. And the way to test it in the laboratory is to make it minimal. (翻译:并且检测它的方法便是在实验室里, 使其最小化。)

2. And then, the third piece. The third piece for me is the question: What is cinema to you? What do you do with cinema? (翻译:再看看第三个片段。第三个片段,于我而言,是这个问题: 电影对你意味着什么?你想通过电影表达什么? )

3. Bossa Nova, New Cinema, a new capital city. (翻译:波萨诺瓦音乐,新电影运动,一个新的首都。Bossa Nova, New Cinema, a new capital city.)

4. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. (翻译:螘谓喂蟽蠂?渭苇谓慰 慰蟺位慰蟽蟿维蟽喂慰, 蔚喂未喂魏维 纬喂伪 慰位喂纬维蚁喂胃渭慰 蟺位萎蚁蝇渭伪.)

5. Cinema is an adventure, and film the truth. (翻译:电影业不过是个童话 而射击运动才是真实生活)

6. By default, WiX installation gives minimal functions. (翻译:默认情况下,WiX安装只有最少的功能。)

7. She hasn't got enough money for the cinema and the cinema is a woman's one comfort in this life. (翻译:她也没有足够的钱入电影院 而电影院是这女人生活中最舒适的地方)

8. minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of compound Houyanling oral solution were observed. (翻译:观察喉咽灵口服液的最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度。)

9. There is something like an inexplicable magic of cinema. (翻译:这里有些事就像 电影院里那种无法解释的魔力)

10. Minimal contact with anyone for the first 6 months. (翻译:尽可能少地与外界联系 度过最初的半年时间)

11. No outdoor centre, no cinema, no skiing... (翻译:没有户外中心,没有电影院,没有滑雪场地...)

12. Finite groups with completely conditional permutable minimal subgroups; (翻译:极小子群在有限群的研究中占据着重要的地位。)

13. And I'm into cinema and country music... (翻译:那我选去电影院 - 有激情,有音乐... 就这么决定了)

14. They went trooping off to the cinema. (翻译:他们成群结队前往电影院。)

15. Cinema Hollywood, where is it? (翻译:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}好莱坞戏院在那里?)

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