matthew effect是什么意思 matthew effect的中文翻译、读音、例句

matthew effect是什么意思 matthew effect的中文翻译、读音、例句

matthew effect通常被翻译为"马太效应"的意思,其中文解释还有"马太效应"的意思,发音是[ˈmæθju:],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到63个与matthew effect相关的例句。

Matthew effect的翻译


例句:Matthew, do you want to look after, uh, Sadie, please? (Matthew 你照顾下Sadie 行不?)


matthew effect一般作为名词使用,如在Matthew effect(马太效应)、the Matthew effect(马太效应)、Matthew Arnold(阿诺德)等常见短语中出现较多。

Matthew effect马太效应
the Matthew effect马太效应
Matthew Arnold阿诺德
matthew arnolds阿诺德
Matthew Flinders[网络] 弗林德斯;马修·弗林德斯;马修·福林达斯
matthew flinderss[网络] 弗林德斯;马修·弗林德斯;马修·福林达斯\n(matthew flinders 的复数)
Matthew Paris=Paris, Matthew[亦称作Matthew of Paris]
matthew prior[网络] 普赖尔;普莱尔;派洛亚
Matthew Town[地名] 马修镇 ( 巴哈 )
Matthew Walker[网络] 马修·沃克;马修渥克;沃克尔


1. This is-- this is Matthew Graham. (翻译:我是... 我是Matthew Graham)

2. Matthew: But it was hard. (翻译:马修:但是挺难的。迪伦·马龙:真的就不在乎? )

3. When it does fall, it has an extraordinary effect. Each sporadic downpour may only last minutes, but it can bring life, and in spectacular numbers. (翻译:it has an extraordinary effect. and in spectacular numbers.)

4. Matthew's month will be--be mine. (翻译:Matthew的时辰也将会是... 我的时辰。)

5. Well, according to Matthew, Doug's not the only one. (翻译:据Matthew所说 不止Doug不信他)

6. But the eclipse had no effect on the radiation. (翻译:他发现日食对辐射没有任何影响 But the eclipse had no effect on the radiation.)

7. Meet his brother-- Matthew Tarland. (翻译:来见见他哥哥 - -Matthew Tarland)

8. - Are you absolutely sure you saw Matthew Keller in the flesh? (翻译:你确定见过Matthew Keller - 本人?)

9. Prentiss and i went to see matthew benton's parents. (翻译:我和Prentiss会见了Matthew Benton的父母)

10. Matthew and i met in rome when we were 15. (翻译:Matthew和我是xx岁时在罗马认识的)

11. Matthew's gone. You've accepted that. (翻译:Matthew已经走了 你已经接受了这个事实)

12. Father paul explained that matthew was a conduit. (翻译:Paul神父解释说 Matthew是一个载体)

13. The effect of which is that she can actually make me hear myself. (翻译:The effect of which is that she can actually make me hear myself.)

14. - Matthew Blitz, accountant in my office, says... (翻译:Matthew Blitz 我办公室的会计说)

15. He and matthew just stared at each other. (翻译:神父怎么做? 他和Matthew互相盯着对方)

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