miss a cue是什么意思 miss a cue的中文翻译、读音、例句

miss a cue是什么意思 miss a cue的中文翻译、读音、例句

miss a cue的中文解释是"搞错",还有未抓住要领的意思,单词读音音标为[missacue],miss a cue来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到61个与miss a cue相关的例句。

Miss a cue的翻译


例句:It could influence what evidence we cue huthur. (会影响我们搜集证据的 It could influence what evidence we cue huthur.)


例句:Took a cue from S.H.I.E.L.D. (! 从神盾局得到一个提示 Took a cue from S. H.)


miss a cue一般作为名词使用,如在miss cue([网络] 滑杆;滑竿;失误)、on cue(就在这个时候)、miss by(差…就做成功…)等常见短语中出现较多。

miss cue[网络] 滑杆;滑竿;失误
on cue就在这个时候
miss by差…就做成功…
miss it[网络] 错过;错过它;没找到,错过
to miss[网络] 想念;思念;错过
drop the cue〈俚〉进棺材,死亡
edit cue编辑标志
distance cue距离线索
drop a cue进棺材,死亡


1. "but he doesn't look it, miller." (翻译:没听出来 Ah, missed my cue.)

2. Are you and Miss Patil ready? (翻译:Are you and Miss Patil ready?)

3. - And trust me, you will miss. (翻译:And trust me, you will miss.)

4. Tell them to cue the music. (翻译:告诉他们演奏音乐吧 Tell them to cue the music.)

5. This is my cue to disappear. (翻译:言下之意 我得消失了 This is my cue to disappear.)

6. Are we going to a wedding? (翻译:Did I miss something?)

7. Ah-site, bring me my private cue (翻译:西呀,拿枝私家Q来 Ah -site, bring me my private cue)

8. Miss Elsa, you look wonderful. (翻译:Miss Elsa, you look wonderful.)

9. oh. Ah, miss carter, miss martinelli, (翻译:卡特小姐 马尔蒂内尼小姐 Ah, Miss Carter, Miss Martinelli,)

10. And cue the crazy old lizard. (翻译:还要cue一下那个疯了的老蜥蜴. And cue the crazy old lizard.)

11. thet cue eli odeede in en ineteet. (翻译:thet cue eli odeede in en ineteet.)

12. "But be sure the cue is clear and available," he cautions. (翻译:他警告说:“但要确保线索清晰可用。” )

13. Take Miss Beech to room 19. (翻译:Take Miss Beech to Room 19.)

14. Ah-ha. Good job, Miss Shiftwell. (翻译:啊哈,干得好,Miss Shiftwell)

15. And it is an optical cue that there's carrion on the bottom of the ocean. (翻译:这是一个视觉关于 深海底部有腐肉的提示。)

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