mobilization plan是什么意思 mobilization plan的中文翻译、读音、例句

mobilization plan是什么意思 mobilization plan的中文翻译、读音、例句

mobilization plan在英语中代表"网络、动员计划"的意思,在日常中也代表"劳动力组织计划"的意思,单词读音音标为[mobilizationplan],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到33个与mobilization plan相关的句子。

Mobilization plan的释义

例句:How does this sound for a plan? (吃这个怎么样? How does this sound for a plan?)


例句:- Her protest was part of a plan. (- What about Sabine Hobbs? - Her protest was part of a plan.)


例句:Watch out of Yeung, she still has a plan (she still has a plan)


例句:# And nothing goes the way you plan (翻译:∮ And nothing goes the way you plan ∮)


mobilization plan一般作为名词使用,如在mobilization(动员 )、economic mobilization([经] 经济动员)、emotional mobilization(情绪动员)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic mobilization[经] 经济动员
emotional mobilization情绪动员
election mobilization[法]选举动员
fat mobilization脂肪调动
full mobilization全面动员
general mobilization[法] 总动员
industrial mobilization[经] 工业动员
mobilization exercise动员演习


1. Watch out of Yeung, she still has a plan (翻译:she still has a plan)

2. # And nothing goes the way you plan (翻译:∮ And nothing goes the way you plan ∮)

3. Staging, movement, action plan. (翻译:策划 行动 部署 Staging, movement, action plan)

4. Plan B: a population bomb. (翻译:B计划 人口炸弹 Plan B, a population bomb.)

5. Wait for plan seeds to grow? (翻译:我们会把对方逼疯的 Wait for plan seeds to grow?)

6. Then come up with a better plan. (翻译:Then come up with a better plan.)

7. Look,even if you can't understand it, Have faith the plan is just. (翻译:have faith the plan is just.)

8. Gentlemen, you can forget this plan of yours in Venezuela. (翻译:you can forget this plan of yours in Venezuela.)

9. Oh, yeah, Nate, I made a little change of plan here. (翻译:I made a little change of plan here.)

10. Beijing has confirmed a mobilization of force to protect its western border. (翻译:北京已经确认 动员的力量 以保护其西部边界。)

11. If Lane wants it, you can bet that he has a plan to open it. (翻译:you can bet that he has a plan to open it.)

12. Franco has this crazy open floor plan. (翻译:Franco has this crazy open floor plan.)

13. Does that affect the plan? (翻译:这对我们的计划有影响吗? Does that affect the plan?)

14. Well, Donnelly? I don't know, sir. (翻译:How many of us do you plan to murder in the name of that golden plan of yours?)

15. Political mobilization to support FideI Castro extended all over Brazil. (翻译:支持菲德尔・卡斯特罗的政治动员 Political mobilization to support FideI Castro 扩展遍布整个巴西。extended all over Brazil.)

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