1. 含义:'moisturizer'是指保湿剂,即一种涂在皮肤上以保持皮肤湿润的化妆品。这种产品通常包含水、油和乳化剂等成分,用于帮助皮肤保持天然水分和油脂。
- My skin is very dry, so I always use a moisturizer after showering. (我的皮肤很干,所以我洗完澡后总是用保湿剂。)
- You should use a moisturizer with SPF to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. (你应该使用含SPF的保湿剂,以保护你的皮肤不受阳光的有害射线伤害。)
- This moisturizer is made with natural ingredients like avocado oil and shea butter. (这个保湿剂是用像鳄梨油和乳木果油这样的天然成分制作的。)
2. 类型:有不同类型的保湿剂可供选择,包括日用型、晚用型、润肤露等等。每种类型都有特定的功效和使用方法。
- I use a night moisturizer that has retinol in it to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. (我使用含有维A醇的晚霜,以帮助减少皱纹的出现。)
- This moisturizer is specially formulated for oily skin, so it won't clog pores. (这个保湿剂是专门为油性皮肤设计的,所以它不会堵塞毛孔。)
- If you have sensitive skin, you should look for a fragrance-free moisturizer that won't cause irritation. (如果你有敏感的皮肤,你应该寻找不含香料的保湿剂,以免引起刺激。)
3. 使用方法:使用保湿剂有一些技巧,比如在洗脸后立即使用,按摩皮肤等等。
- Apply the moisturizer to your face and neck after cleansing, using gentle circular motions to help it absorb into your skin. (在清洁完面部和颈部后,使用轻柔的圆周运动将保湿剂涂抹在皮肤上,以帮助它被皮肤吸收。)
- If your skin is very dry, you can use a heavier moisturizer at night to help it hydrate more deeply. (如果你的皮肤非常干燥,你可以在晚上使用一种较重的保湿剂,以帮助更深层次地滋润。)
- Remember to use a moisturizer with SPF during the day, even if it's cloudy outside. (记得在白天使用含SPF的保湿剂,即使外面多云也要如此。)
- I always apply moisturizer before putting on makeup. (我化妆前总是涂保湿剂。)
- This moisturizer has a nice scent of lavender and rosemary. (这个保湿剂有着花香的味道,包括薰衣草和迷迭香。)
- My dermatologist recommended this moisturizer for my sensitive skin. (我的皮肤科医师推荐了这个保湿剂给我的敏感皮肤使用。)
1. I always apply moisturizer to my skin after washing my face.
2. This moisturizer is perfect for people with dry skin.
例句:This is the first time I'm writing about an actual person, not just moisturizer. (这是我第一次写 一个实际的人,不只是保湿。)
例句:Oh, my skin-- I had to give my moisturizer to this huge transvestite with a razor blade. (还有,我的皮肤,我得用刀片往哪巨大的异装 里搽润肤霜)
例句:Since my skin is so sensitive now, do you know of a moisturizer that has nothing at all in it but moisture? (由于我的皮肤现在很敏感,你知道有哪款乳液除了含有水分之外,再无其他成分的吗?)
例句:If you move somewhere dry and arid, find a moisturizer that's more hydrating. (翻译:如果你到了气候比较干燥的地方,就需要保湿效果好的保湿剂。)
1. Since my skin is so sensitive now, do you know of a moisturizer that has nothing at all in it but moisture? (翻译:由于我的皮肤现在很敏感,你知道有哪款乳液除了含有水分之外,再无其他成分的吗?)
2. If you move somewhere dry and arid, find a moisturizer that's more hydrating. (翻译:如果你到了气候比较干燥的地方,就需要保湿效果好的保湿剂。)
4. I really just use a face wash each morning and a small bit of moisturizer from time to time when its feeling dry. (翻译:我就是每天早上用洗面奶而已,觉得皮肤干燥了时不时擦一点保湿霜。)
5. Moisturizer is much more effective on properly exfoliated skin. (翻译:润肤霜对差不多要剥落的肌肤层更为有效。)
6. Aloe gel is used for face cleansing, which helps to remove dust & oiliness, sweat and old make up, it also acts like a moisturizer for skin. (翻译:芦荟凝胶可用于面部清洁,帮助去除灰尘及油质、汗水及旧妆,它还可以作为肌肤保湿剂。)
7. Until I met Susie Jenkins at a launch for a new men's moisturizer. (翻译:直到我在一场男士护肤霜的 新品发布午餐会上遇到了苏琪·詹金斯)
8. Use lighter moisturizer during the day and a creamier moisturizer at night. (翻译:或者白天使用水质的面霜,晚上使用油质的。)
9. Main ingredients: ginseng extract, amino acid moisturizer, glycerol, lubrajel oil, VB3, licoflavone, etc. (翻译:主要成分:人参提取液、氨基酸保湿剂、甘油、芦芭油、VB3、甘草黄酮等。)
10. Smells of almond, oil, moisturizer, Mastic cologne and tobacco (翻译:闻起来是杏仁油护手霜 古龙水和烟草的味道)
11. Fresh Goat's Milk (Caprae Lac) : Naturally rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and triglycerides. Nourishing moisturizer for the skin. Helps soothe and heal dry skin. (翻译:新鲜山羊奶:营养成分丰富,富含蛋白质、维他命、矿物质和甘油三酯。滋润皮肤,帮助修护干燥肌肤。)
12. And the price of a 16-ounce jar of CVS skin moisturizer would go from 13 dollars to 17 dollars. (翻译:一罐454克的CVS润肤霜价格 会从13美元上涨到17美元。)
13. Apply this light rejuvenating eye cream daily as a moisturizer or night cream to help firm skin and diminish signs of aging. (翻译:应用这种光兴国眼霜润肤霜或晚霜,帮助紧致肌肤并减少老化迹象的日常。)
14. If you're frustrated that your new anti-aging moisturizer isn't doing its job, stick it out longer before switching. (翻译:新买不久的抗衰老面霜貌似没什么效果?不要那么快就将它丢到一边。)
15. If your skin is dry, you have to slather on moisturizer to soften it. (翻译:如果你的皮肤干燥,就得多涂些润肤霜让它滋润。)