maximum evaporation是什么意思 maximum evaporation的中文翻译、读音、例句

maximum evaporation是什么意思 maximum evaporation的中文翻译、读音、例句

maximum evaporation通常被翻译为"网络、最大蒸发量"的意思,在英美地区还有"最大汽化量"的意思,单词读音音标为[maximumevaporation],maximum evaporation来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到18个与maximum evaporation相关的句子。

Maximum evaporation的中文翻译

例句:I had a lot of names, the most conceited kind. I was Maximum, Brimstone, Godfather D, Devastatin' D. (你知道,我有很多名字 cdcan,maximum,gravestone,dogfatherD,bigD)


例句:The maximum number of judges Order 1970 fixed the maximum number of puisne judges of the High Court at 75. (xx年法官人数规则规定高等法院普通法官最多为75名。)


例句:Prisoner 831, Fort Leavenworth maximum security. (Leavenworth监狱最高级别狱室的编号831 Prisoner 831, Fort Leavenworth maximum security.)


maximum evaporation一般作为名词使用,如在maximum evaporation rate(最大蒸发率)、evaporation(蒸发 )、maximum(最大值 )等常见短语中出现较多。

maximum evaporation rate最大蒸发率
to the maximum达到极点
droplet evaporation滴蒸发
dual evaporation二级蒸发
drop evaporation[热] 单滴蒸发
entropy of evaporation蒸汽熵
equilibrium evaporation平衡汽化


1. Prisoner 831, Fort Leavenworth maximum security. (翻译:Leavenworth监狱最高级别狱室的编号831 Prisoner 831, Fort Leavenworth maximum security.)

2. Maximum velocity achieved. (翻译:达到最大速度 Maximum velocity achieved.)

3. Quality minimum, quantity maximum. (翻译:Quality minimum, quantity maximum.)

4. Due to extreme evaporation, it's saltier than seawater and virtually lifeless. (翻译:由于极端的蒸发, 比海水更咸, 几乎没有生命。)

5. Soil evaporation can be calculated by using the soil evaporation measured by micro-lysimeter by multiplying a coefficient of 0.96. (翻译:分析得出夏玉米出苗前利用小型棵间蒸发器实测蒸发的修正系数为0.96。)

6. We have reached maximum casualty level. (翻译:我们伤亡程度已经最大了 We have reached maximum casualty level.)

7. The results indicated that the extraction rate did not exhibit an obvious difference after distillation evaporation and rotary evaporation. (翻译:结果表明,蒸馏浓缩和旋转蒸发仪蒸发浓缩对提取物的抑制率几乎没有影响。)

8. What Is The Maximum Claimable Amount? (翻译:什么是最高可申请发还的金额? )

9. Designed to do maximum damage. (翻译:一种为了获得最大杀伤力的弹药 简直就是屠杀)

10. Research on the Equation of Penman-Monteith in Reference Crop Evaporation (翻译:彭曼-蒙特斯公式在参考作物需水量中的应用研究)

11. It's maximum concernful of you. (翻译:你想的真周到啊! )

12. Thrusters at maximum! Stand by! (翻译:螣 魏喂谓畏蟿萎蚁伪蟼 蟽蟿慰 渭苇纬喂蟽蟿慰.)

13. A mathematical model of cocurrent multi effect evaporation with solid separation was established. (翻译:建立了带有固相析出的并流多效蒸发系统的数学模型。)

14. Maximum production of war material, or maximum elimination of the nation's enemies? (翻译:是最大限度地发展生产 还是最大限度地消灭国家的敌人?)

15. The maximum payout will be $705, 000. (翻译:最高支付额是70.5万美元。)

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