molar abundance是什么意思 molar abundance的中文翻译、读音、例句

molar abundance是什么意思 molar abundance的中文翻译、读音、例句

molar abundance通常被翻译为"莫耳丰度"的意思,还经常被翻译为莫耳丰度,发音是[molarabundance],molar abundance是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到68个与molar abundance相关的句子。

Molar abundance的词典翻译


例句:Such landscapes are found in abundance in and around the Tuscan countryside. (这样的景观中发现了大量的和周围的托斯卡纳乡下。)


molar abundance一般作为名词使用,如在abundance(丰富 )、in abundance(充足的, 很丰盛)、molar(摩尔的)等常见短语中出现较多。

in abundance充足的, 很丰盛
economy of abundance富裕经济
element abundance元素丰度
elemental abundance[化] 元素丰度
energy abundance[能源] 能源丰富
gamma abundanceγ含量;γ丰度
geochemical abundance地球化学丰度


1. Material abundance has never eliminated perceived scarcity. (翻译:物质的富足从没有 消除人们观念中的稀缺。)

2. Maidenhair trees grow in rich abundance in the area. (翻译:这个地区长着许多银杏树。)

3. Expect an abundance of getters. (翻译:预计有大量的getter。)

4. There are an abundance of the lunar occultation records in ancient China. (翻译:我国古代有相当丰富的月掩星观测记录。)

5. In modern humans, the third molar is typically the smallest, while the first molar is the biggest, but Homo naledi has the primitive condition where the third molar is the biggest and the first molar is the smallest. (翻译:现代人的牙齿中, 第三颗磨牙的特征就是 最小的,而第一颗却是最大的, 但是奈勒迪人牙齿的基本特征是: 第三颗磨牙是最大的,而第一颗是最小的。)

6. Do I have a molar in my hair? (翻译:{\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Do I have a molar in my hair?)

7. Study of Treating Carious Mandibular Primary molar in Perforation of Pulp Bottom with ZOE Iodoform Paste (翻译:碘仿糊剂治疗下颌乳磨牙龋源性髓室底穿通的探讨)

8. Look. Wladi has it in abundance in Moscow. (翻译:快看,这箱唱片好像瓦拉迪在莫斯科的私藏啊)

9. Climbing that top abundance was an accomplishment for the amblers. (翻译:对登山运发动来说,爬上了那座山就是成功。)

10. A over the molar volume squared. (翻译:等于a除以摩尔体积V杠的平方。)

11. Ever the praises and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods. (翻译:永远的赞美和丰富的 黑山羊的伍兹。我SHUB Niggurath!)

12. Conclusion The molar root movement controller could prevent the side effects and avoid the second molar buccally positioned movement in the process of molar propeller moving the two molars distally. (翻译:结论磨牙控根移动杆具有良好防止磨牙推进器推两个磨牙远移过程中的不利副移动作用,并能避免第二磨牙颊向错位。)

13. Last premolar of upper jaw, first molar of lower jaw. (翻译:上颚最后的一只前臼齿,下颚最前的一只臼齿。)

14. The determination of the calorimetry of the standard molar formation enthalpy of ytterbium chloride with glycine complex (翻译:量热法测定氯化镱与甘氨酸配合物的标准生成焓)

15. But here one unusual abundance has produced another. (翻译:但在这里,一种特别的资源 带动了另一物种的兴起)

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