moldy corn在英语中代表"发霉玉米"的意思,其中文解释还有"发霉玉米"的意思,读音为[moldycorn],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到48个与moldy corn相关的例句。
Moldy corn的中文翻译
例句:The chicken is fed corn, and then its meat is ground up, and mixed with more corn products to add bulk and binder, and then it's fried in corn oil. (鸡是用谷物饲养的,然后长出肉 并吃更多的谷物继续成长, 然后用谷物油去炸。)
moldy corn一般作为名词使用,如在moldy(发霉的 )、go moldy(发霉)、moldy bran(麸曲)等常见短语中出现较多。
moldy | 发霉的 |
go moldy | 发霉 |
moldy bran | 麸曲 |
moldy feed | 发霉饲料 |
moldy fig | 过时的人或物 |
moldy flavor | 霉气味 |
moldy kernel | [食品] 霉变粒 |
moldy yeast | 霉状酵母 |
ear corn | 带穗玉米 |
1. Lend me your ears of Corn. (翻译:听我说话 玉米 Lend me your ears of Corn.)
2. The hair as yellow as corn (翻译:# 黄如玉米的金发 # # The hair as yellow as corn #)
3. like, a weird craving for that corn dog place across from Barcade. (翻译:like, a weird craving 商场对面那家店的玉米狗 for that corn dog place across from Barcade.)
4. I'd see moldy cheese and I'd be, like, "dude, that cheese is goat." (翻译:我一看到发霉的起司就会说 喂,那片起司羊了)
5. Something out in the corn. (翻译:有东西在玉米地里 {\3cH202020}Something out in the corn.)
6. There are five main smells perceptible to the nose, namely, muttony, burnt, balmy, fishy, and moldy. (翻译:我们的鼻子可以闻出东西的气味,气味主要有五种,即羊膻味、烧焦味、香味、鱼腥味和腐朽味。)
7. - And the hair as yellow as corn. (翻译:- 黄如玉米的头发 - 我们集齐了四件东西! - And the hair as yellow as corn.)
8. and the high oil corn' kernel oil content would be descended if it was pollinated with the pollen of normal-corn. (翻译:普通玉米的花粉授予高油玉米后,高油玉米籽粒的含油率有所下降。)
9. Three, the hair as yellow as corn. (翻译:第三 黄如玉米的金发 Three, the hair as yellow as corn.)
10. How is the autopsy on this body corn inpy (翻译:尸体查得怎么样了 How is the autopsy on this body corn inpy)
11. Corn dog chili, sweet and sour corn dog... corn dog kabobs, corn dog sushi... corn dog a la mode... (翻译:辣椒玉米狗 酸甜玉米狗... 烤肉玉米狗 寿司玉米狗... 冰淇淋玉米狗...)
12. Dried potatoes, vegetable oil, corn flower, wheat starch, maltodextrin, salt, and my favorite ingredient of all, uniformity. (翻译:干土豆 植物油 Dried potatoes, vegetable oil, 玉米 小麦淀粉 corn flower, wheat starch, 麦芽糊精 盐 maltodextrin, salt,)
13. Care for a Corn Crunchies, dear? (翻译:想来点玉米脆片吗,亲爱的? )
14. The corn is blossoming [ripening]. (翻译:玉米正在开花[成熟]。)
15. But the thing that's alarming is a couple of months ago, in Mexico, where Bt corn and all genetically altered corn is totally illegal, they found Bt corn genes in wild corn plants. (翻译:事情发生在几个月以前,在墨西哥这个 BT玉米和其他转基因玉米都属于非法的地区, 有人发现野生的玉米基因中出现了BT玉米基因。)