moritzheim是什么意思 moritzheim的中文翻译、读音、例句

moritzheim是什么意思 moritzheim的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Corrosion inhibition mechanism of 2-HeIM as inhibitor of copper for hydrochloric acid pickling (2-己基咪唑作为铜的盐酸酸洗缓蚀剂作用机理的研究)


例句:But when Moritz reported, in Time's 1983 Machine of the Year, a detail about Jobs' family, access was abruptly cut off. (但当xx年Moritz在《时代》杂志报道有关乔布斯家庭生活的细节后,这样的渠道突然被掐断。)


例句:They believe he is still alive because his wife and children have yet to claim money he left in a Berlin bank account. (他们相信Heim依然活着,因为他的妻子与子女还未申领他留在柏林银行账户中的钱财。)


moritzheim一般作为名词使用,如在Moritzheim([地名] 莫里茨海姆 ( 德 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Moritzheim[地名] 莫里茨海姆 ( 德 )


1. They believe he is still alive because his wife and children have yet to claim money he left in a Berlin bank account. (翻译:他们相信Heim依然活着,因为他的妻子与子女还未申领他留在柏林银行账户中的钱财。)

2. The inventors were two Frenchmen, Jacques Heim and Louis Reard . (翻译:它的发明者是两位法国人——雅克·海姆和路易斯·里尔德。)

3. Heim was arrested after World War Two but he was later released and was soon practicing as a doctor again. (翻译:Heim在二战结束后被捕,但他稍后被释放,很快重新执业成为医生。)

4. All they had to do was renovate the chalet in St. Moritz, buy the latest Gulfstream (GD) jet, lay off 5,000 employees, or marry a much younger Asian woman. (翻译:购买最新的美国湾流喷气机;大手一挥砍掉5千名员工,或者迎娶一位年轻貌美的亚洲姑娘。)

5. The Wau Holland Foundation is named after Herwart Holland-Moritz, also known as Wau Holland. (翻译:瓦乌荷兰基金会以赫瓦特·荷兰·莫里茨命名,也被称为瓦乌荷兰。)

6. A week of heli-skiing in Saint Moritz. (翻译:在Saint Moritz 玩了一星期的高山滑雪)

7. You got yourself printed up in Petra Moritz saying I paid for votes. (翻译:你的名字都登上了佩拉·莫里兹的专栏了 说我贿选)

8. I hear the slopes are opening early in St. Moritz this year. (翻译:我听说今年St. Moritz的滑雪坡已经开了.)

9. Termitomyces Heim (1941) is a kind of edible mushrooms with a good business prospects. (翻译:鸡菌属菌物是一类具有商业前景的食物蕈菌。)

10. They were well off and enjoyed invitations to the south of France and skiing trips to St Moritz. (翻译:他们经常应邀去法国南部度假或者去瑞士的圣莫里茨滑雪。)

11. Heim announced to his friends his engagement to Miss Helen. (翻译:海姆向朋友们宣布他已和海伦小姐订婚。)

12. Late summer we went to Amalfi and then St. Moritz in the fall. (翻译:夏天晚些时候,我们到了阿马尔菲 然后秋天到达了圣莫里茨)

13. They were always away... skiing in Saint Moritz, gambling in Monte Carlo... safariing in darkest Africa. (翻译:他们很少在家 不是瑞士滑雪 就是摩纳哥赌钱 或在非洲受苦受难)

14. This flying around from Palm Springs to St Moritz to the Riviera, he'd think it was foolishness. (翻译:由棕榈泉到圣莫里茨,再到里城 他定会觉得无聊)

15. In fact Mr. Heim's two-piece bikini was the first to be worn on the beach, but Mr. Reard gave it its name - Bikini. (翻译:事实上,海姆先生的两部分衣首先出现在海难上,但里德却将它命名为比基尼。)

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