morphidae是什么意思 morphidae的中文翻译、读音、例句

morphidae是什么意思 morphidae的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I don't think she can morph into a fashion icon when everyone knows her so well. (我不认为当每个人都熟识她时,她能演变成一个时尚偶像。)


morphidae一般作为名词使用,如在Morphidae(n. 【昆虫】闪蛱蝶科)等常见短语中出现较多。

Morphidaen. 【昆虫】闪蛱蝶科


1. They are our body's own repair kits, and they're pluripotent, which means they can morph into all of the cells in our bodies. (翻译:它们像是人体自带的修理包。胚胎干细胞具有多向分化的特性,也就是说, 它们可以变成人体中的各种细胞。)

2. I was asked about the identification of Bulwer's Petrel vs. dark morph Wedge - tailed Shearwater whilst in Keelung, and can understand why. (翻译:我在基隆演讲时被问到了如何分辨穴鸟与长尾水剃暗色型,而且我可以理解为什么。)

3. We are here to bring into existence a new age of eternal Light and to help you swiftly morph into fully conscious Beings. (翻译:我们在这里正将新时代的永恒之光带入你们的现实,并帮助你们迅速转变为全意识存有。)

4. You could spend all day watching your name or your brand morph among the loud people online. (翻译:你可能花整天的时间让那些喧闹的在线人群上看您的姓名或您的品牌。)

5. And that has caused teacher-student relationships to morph into something stronger than the giver of content and the receiver of knowledge. (翻译:这也使得师生关系变得 比内容的给予者 和知识的接受者更强大。)

6. Next is Dae-bong He's usually cooking stuff (翻译:下个是 Dae -bong 他通常负责煮饭菜)

7. I'm Kamikawa I'm Kim Dae-jung Nice to meet you (翻译:我是神川 我是金大中 初次见面,请多关照)

8. Once again, why did Woo-jin release Dae-su after... 15 years? (翻译:就是说 李宇珍囚禁了吴大秀xx年 为什么释放他?)

9. formerly manicured yards morph into fields for a white-tailed deer forage for food. (翻译:先前修整过的院子逐渐变成 白尾鹿能在里面觅食的牧场)

10. Having that decision in my head was causing me to sort of morph away from the band quite a bit. (翻译:有了这样的决定,在我的脑海 是害我有点变形了 从带了不少。)

11. In time, these players, too, will morph into computers. (翻译:传统的音乐播放器早晚也会变成电脑。)

12. Instructions on How to "morph" an Arpeggio to Fit any Style of Music. (翻译:关于如何进行的指示“变身”一琶音,以适应任何风格的音乐。)

13. If you could morph, we would be having a very different conversation. (翻译:如果你能变身的话 那我们的对话就会变得完全不同了)

14. Dae-su Oh: laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone. (翻译:吴大修:大笑并且世界嘲笑你,哭泣并且只有你独自一人哭泣。)

15. In the winter months, it's easy to ignore your feet until they morph into a Shrek-like monstrosity. (翻译:在冬天的时候,你很容易忽视你的脚,知道他们变成史瑞克似的怪物。)

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