mb是什么意思 mb的中文翻译、读音、例句

mb是什么意思 mb的中文翻译、读音、例句

'mb' 不是一个独立的单词,它通常是缩写或简写形式,有以下意思和用法:




1. MB/s: 兆字节每秒(megabytes per second),用于表示数据传输速度。

2. MB/s to Mbps: 兆字节每秒转为兆比特每秒(megabits per second),通常用于表示网络带宽。

3. MB quota: 兆字节配额,用于限制某个用户或应用程序可以使用的存储空间大小。

4. mb level: 毫巴级别,表示气压的高低。


1. MB memory: 兆字节内存,用于描述计算机系统中的主存储器容量。

2. MB disk space: 兆字节磁盘空间,用于描述存储介质(如硬盘、U盘等)的容量大小。



1. 这个文件太大了,有4 GB,需要一段时间才能下载完整。 (This file is too large, it's 4 GB and will take some time to download completely.)

2. 下载速度只有16 MB/s,可能是因为网络拥堵。 (The download speed is only 16 MB/s, which may be due to network congestion.)

3. 我们的计算机配置有8 GB RAM,可以运行各种应用程序和游戏。 (Our computer is equipped with 8 GB of RAM, which can run various applications and games.)

4. 磁盘已满,需要释放一些 MB disk space 才能存储新文件。 (The disk is full and needs to free up some MB disk space to store new files.)

5. 气压下降到了980 mb level,意味着有可能会有暴雨或风暴。 (The pressure has dropped to the 980 mb level, which means there may be heavy rain or a storm.)

6. 我们的网速是100 Mbps,足以支持多人在线游戏和高清视频播放。 (Our internet speed is 100 Mbps, which is sufficient to support multiplayer online games and HD video playback.)

7. 您的存储配额是1 GB,已经使用了900 MB,需要及时清理或申请扩容。 (Your storage quota is 1 GB, and you have used up 900 MB, so you need to clean up or apply for an expansion in time.)



1. He is such an MB, always doing stupid things. (他是个脑残,总是做些愚蠢的事情。)

2. Stop being such an MB, and think before you speak. (别再当个白痴了,说话之前想想。)

3. Don't be an MB, just apologize for your mistake. (不要做脑残,为你的错误道歉。)

4. You're acting like an MB, stop making a scene. (你现在表现得像个白痴,别闹事了。)

5. I can't believe he's such an MB, he fell for that scam. (我真不敢相信他是个脑残,居然上了那个骗局。)

6. She's always been an MB, never taking responsibility for her actions. (她一直都是个脑残,从不为自己的行为负责。)

7. You're an MB if you think that's a good idea. (如果你认为那是个好主意,你就是个白痴。)

8. Stop being an MB, and listen to what I'm saying. (别当脑残了,听我说什么。)

9. I don't want to be friends with that MB, he's too annoying. (我不想和那个白痴做朋友,他太烦人了。)


读音:méi bù


1. 他对我的批评毫不客套,我很受伤。

2. 她说话非常直接,毫不羞愧地表达自己的观点。

3. 我们之间没有什么隔阂,彼此之间毫不客气地说出了自己的想法。




例句:At present, high-definition digital TV delivers the equivalent of nearly 100-megabit-per-second transmission rates in the same 6 MHz band. (目前,高画质数位电视在同样的6MHz频带,传输速率相当于每秒近100Mb。)


例句:In your astronomy terms, this star is called planet MB7312442. (你们天文学称它为MB7312442号行星)


mb一般作为名词使用,如在MB(兆字节\n[计] 兆字节)、mb.(兆字节(100万字节))、us mb(abbr. 上位内存块(Upper Memory Block);超移动宽带(Ultra Mobile Broadband))等常见短语中出现较多。

MB兆字节\n[计] 兆字节
us mbabbr. 上位内存块(Upper Memory Block);超移动宽带(Ultra Mobile Broadband)
MB memorandum book[网络] 备忘录


1. One megabit (Mb) is 1024 kilobits. (翻译:一兆比是1024千比特。)

2. A POSIX thread on RHEL has a private stack with a size of 10mb. (翻译:RHEL上的一个POSIX线程拥有一个大小为10 MB的私有堆栈。)

3. James Tsai is the sort of MBA corporate recruiters covet. (翻译:蔡建平是那种企业寻求的MB A人才。)

4. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for QMB. (翻译:对Q MB重复6 - 7步。)

5. You will need to increase this value if the total size of any long data exceeds 1 MB. (翻译:如果任何长数据的总大小超过1MB,则需要增大此值。)

6. Not something we usually think about in the era of medicine, but hard disks used to be 3,400 dollars for 10 megabytes -- exponentially cheaper. (翻译:而是10MB硬盘过去3400美元--指数便宜。在基因组学, )

7. While you are able to upload your book in PDF format, it has to be less than 100 MB. (翻译:当你上传PDF格式的电子书时,不得不在100MB之内。)

8. The network offers download speeds of 6 Mbps, the company claims. (翻译:公司宣称这个网络提供6 MB每秒的下载速度。)

9. MB: Simple solutions to complex problems. (翻译:MB: 用简单的方法来解决复杂的问题. )

10. A fast algorithm for MPEG video segmentation based on macroblock (MB) types was presented. (翻译:提出了一种基于宏块信息的快速MPEG压缩视频场景分割算法。)

11. The last thing we need to do is add some error-handling code for uploads larger than 1mb. (翻译:最后,我们需要对大于1 MB的上传文件进行错误处理。)

12. Express Install is only a single click and 1mb download. (翻译:快速安装只需要一次点击和1 MB的下载。)

13. Uploaded Videos must be 5 minutes or less in play length and 100 MBor less in file size. (翻译:上传视频播放长度必须小于5分钟,或小于100 MB。)

14. The memory requirement of even all potential translations is modest, since each language requires less than 1 MB. (翻译:由于每一种语言的翻译所需要的记忆存储小于1MB,即使全部潜在的翻译文稿所需要的记忆存储也还是不算超大。)

15. Not something we usually think about in the era of medicine, but hard disks used to be 3,400 dollars for 10 megabytes -- exponentially cheaper. (翻译:在医学领域,这种便宜不是我们通常认为的那样, 而是10MB硬盘过去3400美元--指数便宜。)



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