mbe是什么意思 mbe的中文翻译、读音、例句

mbe是什么意思 mbe的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义: 'mbe'全称为Member of the Order of the British Empire,是英国帝国勋章的一种,用于表彰在公共服务、艺术、科学等领域做出杰出贡献的个人。

2. 发布方:'mbe'颁发由英国女王伊丽莎白二世亲自颁发,通常在每年国庆、新年等特殊场合进行。

3. 等级:'mbe'勋章分四个等级:Knight/Dame Grand Cross、Knight/Dame Commander、Commander、Member。

4. 古今异同:自xx年建立以来,'mbe'勋章已经授予了数千名杰出英国人及其国际盟友。

5. 社会影响:'mbe'勋章的颁发标志着获奖者在其所在领域的知名度和声誉的提高,也是对其工作成果和精神承诺的认可和激励。


1. She was awarded an MBE for her services to literature. (她因对文学事业的贡献获得了MBE勋章。)

2. The MBE medal ceremony was held at Buckingham Palace. (MBE勋章颁奖典礼在白金汉宫举行。)

3. The MBE award recognizes his exceptional contributions to the fields of science and technology. (MBE勋章表彰他在科学技术领域的杰出贡献。)

4. After years of hard work, she was thrilled to be awarded an MBE. (经过多年的努力,她非常高兴获得了MBE勋章。)

5. Receiving an MBE was a truly humbling experience for the dedicated nurse. (获得MBE勋章是对这位敬业的护士的深刻感受。)



1. Tom成为了这个组织的一名mbe。 (Tom became a member of the organization.)

2. 在这个mbe团队中工作是我一直的梦想。(Working in this team of members has been my dream.)




例句:It's just that mom said mthat he would never mbe faithful to me. (这只是妈妈说 mthat他绝不会 我MBE忠实。)


例句:Such pit-patterned Si substrates facilitate the formation of ordered GeSi quantum dot by deposition of Ge using molecular beam epitaxy(MBE). (由此制作的坑形图案衬底上用分子束外延系统生长锗硅量子点,可以实现对锗硅量子点成核位置的控制。)


例句:Riber is a world leading supplier of MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) products and services to the compound semiconductor community. (瑞博是一个制造分子束外延设备的公司,其设备在化合物半导体领域处于领先地位。)


例句:It is an ideal introduction to his music. Mbe. (翻译:这是对他的音乐的最理想的推介。)


mbe一般作为名词使用,如在MBE(abbr. 英帝国勋章获得者(Member of the British Empire);商业经济学硕士(Master of Business Economics);商务教育学硕士(Master of Business Education))等常见短语中出现较多。

MBEabbr. 英帝国勋章获得者(Member of the British Empire);商业经济学硕士(Master of Business Economics);商务教育学硕士(Master of Business Education)


1. Riber is a world leading supplier of MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) products and services to the compound semiconductor community. (翻译:瑞博是一个制造分子束外延设备的公司,其设备在化合物半导体领域处于领先地位。)

2. It is an ideal introduction to his music. Mbe. (翻译:这是对他的音乐的最理想的推介。)

3. Born in 1957 in Birmingham, Willard Wigan MBE began his artistic life at a tender age. (翻译:英帝国勋章获得者威拉德.维根在xx年出生于伯明翰,他小小年纪就开始了自己的艺术生涯。)

4. World Cup final referee Howard Webb receives an MBE in the New Year Honours List. (翻译:世界杯决赛主裁魏布在新年嘉奖名单中获得了英帝国勋章。)

5. West Ham academy director Tony Carr receives an MBE in the Queen's Birthday List. (翻译:西汉姆学院总监卡尔在女王诞辰嘉奖名单中获得了英帝国勋章。)

6. They work for years with the mentally handicapped to get an MBE. (翻译:为弱智儿童工作xx年才换一枚帝国勋章 They work for years with the mentally handicapped to get an MBE.)

7. The algorithm for pitch period search with MBE model is complex in calculation and low flexible. (翻译:MBE模型的基音周期搜索算法存在着运算量大,抗噪性能一般等缺点。)

8. This thesis intends to improve the performance of IMBE speech vocoder under noisy enviroment by the combination of speech enhancement techniques with the MBE speech model. (翻译:本文试图将语音增强技术与MBE模型相结合以提高声码器抗噪声的性能。)

9. In 2003 he was awarded an MBE for his work with young footballers and the Let's Kick Racism Out of Football Campaign. (翻译:xx年他因为青少年足球训练和“把种族歧视从足球界踢走”活动而被授予大英帝国光荣成员称号。)

10. Riber is a world leading supplier of MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) products and services to the compound semiconductor community. (翻译:瑞博是一个制造分子束外延设备的公司,其设备在化合物半导体领域处于领先地位。)

11. He was made an MBE in 1995. (翻译:他于xx年获得英帝国勋位。)



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