mucous peithelium的意思是"粘液上皮",在英美地区还有"粘液上皮"的意思,发音音标为[mucouspeithelium],mucous peithelium在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到48个与mucous peithelium相关的句子。
Mucous peithelium的词典翻译
例句:An inner mucous membrane has cilia (see cilium) that project inward to trap particles. (内层的黏膜有纤毛,向内突出以挡住微粒。)
mucous peithelium一般作为名词使用,如在mucous(粘液的 )、exocrinocytus mucous(黏液外分泌细胞)、mucous acid([网络] 粘液酸)等常见短语中出现较多。
mucous | 粘液的 |
exocrinocytus mucous | 黏液外分泌细胞 |
mucous acid | [网络] 粘液酸 |
mucous acinus | 黏液腺泡 |
mucous alveolus | 粘液性腺泡 |
mucous bands | 黏液带 |
mucous bursa | 黏液囊 |
mucous carcinoma | 粘液癌 |
mucous cell | 粘液细胞 |
1. Results Among of the 7 cases, 2 cases skin and mucous plaque, 2cases dark stools and microscopic hematuria, 2 cases gingival bleeding and hemorrhinia, 1 cases brain hemorrhage. (翻译:结果7例中皮肤黏膜瘀斑2例,黑便及镜下血尿2例,牙龈及鼻出血2例,脑出血1例,7例全部治愈。)
2. Clap diplococcus is not affected not the skin of damaged, but can affect not the mucous membrane of damaged. (翻译:淋病双球菌不感染未破损的皮肤,但可感染未破损的粘膜。)
3. X inspection, the womb iodine oil radiography may find out the womb cavity situation, whether there is under mucous membrane myoma or polyp. (翻译:线检查,子宫碘油造影可了解子宫内腔情况,有无粘膜下肌瘤或息肉。)
4. Seromucous glands contain both mucous and serous cells. (翻译:浆粘液腺既含有粘液性细胞,又含有浆液性细胞。)
5. The mucous epithelium consisted of ciliated cells, secretory cells, a few of basal cells and peg cells. (翻译:黏膜上皮主要由纤毛细胞、分泌细胞及少量基细胞和栓细胞组成。)
6. "By thinning this mucous [layer], we increased the susceptibility to infection," Finlay said at the meeting. (翻译:“通过稀释这种分泌粘液层,我们加快了感染的敏感性”,芬利在会议上说。)
7. If exposure occurs to a mucous membrane, irrigate the area for several minutes with normal saline or water and report the exposure as above. (翻译:如果暴露发生于粘膜,用生理盐水或水冲洗暴露部位数分钟,报告暴露的方法同上。)
8. Secondary syphilis has multi pal lesion on skin and mucous membrane, to ask the history and to examine carefully, and to avoid misdiagnosis. (翻译:4例均临床治愈。二期梅毒的皮肤及黏膜损害多样,临床上结合病史,仔细检查,减少误诊。)
9. Seromucous glands contain both mucous and serous cells. (翻译:浆粘液腺既含有粘液性细胞,又含有浆液性细胞。)
10. "By thinning this mucous [layer], we increased the susceptibility to infection, " Finlay said at the meeting. (翻译:“通过稀释这种分泌粘液层,我们加快了感染的敏感性”,芬利在会议上说。)
11. Coefficient of dissociation of this kind of zwitterion is low, can affect its to organize penetration, but can raise its to be opposite mucous penetration. (翻译:这种两性离子离解系数低,可影响其组织穿透力,但可提高其对粘液的穿透力。)
12. The mucous is only a reflection of the desire to stop the momentum of change offered by nature in its cycle of rebirth each springtime. (翻译:黏液只是一个想阻止每一个春季再生周期中本性提供的改变动力的反应。)
13. The function of the cutaneous bridge is not so great as that of the mucous bridge, thus the skin may be cut more. (翻译:皮桥的作用不如黏膜桥,故可将皮肤多切除一些。)
14. A mucous membrane lining the uterus, modified during pregnancy and shed at parturition or during menstruation. (翻译:蜕膜一种粘膜,附在子宫内壁上,怀孕期间减少,分娩时或月经期间脱落)
15. Boggush stuttered, and had problems with his mucous. (翻译:包古什结巴 并且他的鼻涕有问题 别的孩子朝他们扔石头)