mylohyoids是什么意思 mylohyoids的中文翻译、读音、例句

mylohyoids是什么意思 mylohyoids的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:My duty is to her, not S.H.I.E.L.D. (我是为她负责 而不是神盾局 My duty is to her, not S. H. I.)


例句:Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)


1. Cut through the windpipe, the jugular, the epiglottis, the hyoid, the tongue. (翻译:她的气管,她的颈静脉她的会厌,她的舌骨,她的舌头。)

2. The path isolation for a matrix card is the impedance from the HI and LO terminals of one path to the HI and LO terminals of any other path. (翻译:矩阵开关卡的通路隔离是指从一条通路的HI和LO端子到另一条通路的HI和LO端子之间的阻抗。)

3. Lisa, is there a Lo Keung amongst my brother's friends? (翻译:丽莎 我哥哥的朋友里面 有一个叫卢强的人吗?)

4. No me conoces lo suficiente. (翻译:你认识我还不足够。)

5. What could have happened lo my little girl? (翻译:我女儿会发生什么事? 我女儿可能发生什么事?)

6. - Tambien nosotros lo necesitamos. (翻译:-Lo necesitamos, -También nosotros lo necesitamos,)

7. A study of relationship between upper airway form and hyoid position and sagittal facial type (翻译:矢状骨面型与上气道形态和舌骨位置关系的研究)

8. We were So-Lo-Mo but now we're Mo-Lo-So. (翻译:-So, bro. 我们之前是社交化 本地化 移动化 We were So -Lo)

9. It's called tidal friction and generates extreme heat in lo's core. (翻译:这叫“潮汐摩擦” 在木卫一核心产生极大热力)

10. Si encuentro a ese cabron, lo mato! (翻译:Si encuentro a ese cabr鏮ㄛlo matoㄐ)

11. Anaesthesia for Hyoid Bone Myotomy and Palatopharyngoplasty of the Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (翻译:阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者舌骨肌切开术及腭咽成形术的麻醉处理)

12. - There's a Stephen Lo outside. He's brought a car. (翻译:彪叔 外面有个叫史帝芬的 送部车给来给你)

13. # Lo panameno, salvedureno # (翻译:# Lo paname隳, salvedure隳 #)

14. His symptoms include lo of a etite, weight lo , exce ive fatigue, fever and chills. (翻译:他的症状包括没有食欲、体重headache减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。)

15. This is what it's come down to, busting down doors with J. Lo? (翻译:事情已经发展成这个样子了, 和J. Lo一起破门而入?)

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