neifty是什么意思 neifty的中文翻译、读音、例句

neifty是什么意思 neifty的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:The Lamuchang Thallium deposit occurs in the core and near the core of the ne Lanmuchang anticline, and is controlled by NE-SW faults, which have relationship with the Lanmuchang anticline. (滥木厂铊矿床产于ne向滥木厂鼻状背斜核部和近核部,并严格受控于与背斜关系密切的NE向断裂组。)


1. The form of viruses reacts with Pu yee da ty' s chain. (翻译:病毒的行动模式频率 与蓓儿丹娣的波长是同步连结)

2. Ne looke for entertainment where none was; (翻译:不寻求那些本来就没有的娱乐; )

3. It smells nothing and you feel nothing. (翻译:无味无痛 非常棒 Ça ne sent rien et on ne sent rien. Très bon produit.)

4. No actors, no gladiators, or that sort of thing, ne? (翻译:不准带演员、竞技士 或那样的人回来,好吗?)

5. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that now, would you, Ty? (翻译:你不会 碰巧知道什么 关于现在,你会不会,TY?)

6. Why aren't you helping us? (翻译:你为什么不帮我们 Pourquoi tu ne nous aides pas?)

7. "May I not know if I do love or hate?" (翻译:我已无力寻求 我是爱亦或恨 Ne puis)

8. Caddo people of NE Texas. (翻译:东北德克萨斯州的喀多族人。)

9. A submari ne's only as good as its captain. (翻译:一个submari NE只是不如它的队长。)

10. Ty Cobb, a rival baseball star, was even ruder. (翻译:泰•科布是洋基对手球队的棒球明星,甚至有些粗鲁。)

11. The Celebrities—TY FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT LUV U GUYS (翻译:庆祝——谢谢你们的爱与支持,爱你们。)

12. Ferry boat capsizes in NE China, casualty unknown . (翻译:松花江哈尔滨段发生沉船事故失踪人数不详。)

13. We don't know what to take. (翻译:我们不知道选哪个 On ne sait pas quoi prendre)

14. N equals R times FP times NE times FL times Fl times FC times L? (翻译:N=R*FP*NE*FL*FI*FC*L?)

15. Bats himself the livelong day, Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb and so on. (翻译:他自己打发一天,像 贝比鲁斯和泰科布一样)

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