neuropsychiatrically是什么意思 neuropsychiatrically的中文翻译、读音、例句

neuropsychiatrically是什么意思 neuropsychiatrically的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:We have a lot of experience with children with special needs, and emotional problems, neuro-behavioral issues that we've made a number... (我们在与特殊孩子打交道方面有丰富经验 情绪问题 神经行为问题 我们积累了大量...)


例句:Ambady thinks cultural neuro-science does advance understanding. (阿姆巴迪认为文化神经科学致力于深层理解。)


1. You heard of a Dr. Nelson in neuro? (翻译:- 有排斥反应和感染 我知道 我知道 你给我灌输过很多次了)

2. What... Did you think if you made some great neuro save Shepherd would give you your job back? (翻译:你以为自己治好了神经科疑难症 Shepherd会让你回来工作?)

3. There are these newly identified neurons, mirror neurons, that act like a neuro Wi-Fi, activating in our brain exactly the areas activated in theirs. We feel "with" automatically. (翻译:新发现的神经元,即镜像神经元 就好像神经无线保真技术一样,在大脑中激活 与对方大脑里相同的区域。我们不由自主地与对方“心心相映”了。)

4. And the neuro-endocrine-immuno-modulation meshwork is activated by acupuncture to regulate the physiological function of body better. (翻译:针刺对神经内分泌免疫网络的激活可使其达到对机体全面调整的效果。)

5. So, um, Amy, Sheldon tells me you're a neuro... something-or-other. (翻译:Amy Sheldon跟我说你是个 神经...)

6. In the attraction stage, a group of neuro-transmitters called 'monoamines' play an important role. (翻译:一组单胺类的神经递质在这个阶段发挥了重要作用。)

7. Anterograde amnesia and minimal retrograde amnesia with thalamic and hippocampal lesions in neuro-Behcet's disease is rare. (翻译:丘脑和海马的神经白塞氏病引起顺行性遗忘和轻微的逆行性健忘症是罕见的。)

8. The government has you on some next-level neuro enhancers, which makes you crazy-good at solving problems. (翻译:you are a science experiment.)

9. See, the reason I lost my teaching job is I have this disorder, typified by a gradual, acute neuro-degeneration of the cerebral cortex. (翻译:我之所以丢掉教书匠的饭碗 就是因为我得了一种神经失调症 这种病的特点是 大脑皮层逐渐发生恶性的神经退化)

10. Stroke can damage brain cells, and that can cause a depression that is not psychiatrically based, but physiologically based. (翻译:中风会损害脑细胞,并可能导致抑郁症,这种抑郁症不是基于精神的,而是基于生理的。)

11. Objective To probe the curative effect of high pressure oxygen uniting with neuro-tropin in treating painful neuropathy of type 2 diabetes. (翻译:目的评价高压氧和神经妥乐平联合应用对2型糖尿病痛性神经病变的疗效。)

12. The mamba will strike not once, but repeatedly, injecting large amounts of potent neuro- and cardiotoxin with each strike. (翻译:黑曼巴不会立即发起攻击,但是会不断地,释放大量的强力神经和心脏毒素。)

13. Neuro-ophthalmology, as an interdisciplinary, covers at least three disciplines: ophthalmology, neurology and neurosurgery. (翻译:神经眼科学是一门交叉学科,至少横跨了眼科、神经内科和神经外科。)

14. This may be one of the possible neuro-protective mechanism of ziprasidone. (翻译:可能是其神经保护作用机制之一。)

15. Brain scientists call this process neuro-plasticity. (翻译:脑科学家给这个过程叫神经可塑性。)

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