nicodel是什么意思 nicodel的中文翻译、读音、例句

nicodel是什么意思 nicodel的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I brought Nico coffee during their conference call. (我给尼科送咖啡的时候 他正在和她开电话会议)


例句:Tell her Nico wants to see this dress on a model. (跟他说尼科想马上看到 模特穿着这条裙子去他办公室 懂吗)


例句:♪ Puccali bocci del abra ♪ (Puccali bocci del abra)





1. ♪ Puccali bocci del abra ♪ (翻译:Puccali bocci del abra)

2. You can say he's a hero of our times... (翻译:你可以说这是你们时代的英雄 Si può dire un eroe del nostro tempo oramai...)

3. Why aren't heretics like Signor Medici or the young Nico or myself falling sick? (翻译:为什么像美第奇先生 小尼科 还有我 这样的异教徒都没有生病?)

4. Delicious is a social bookmarking service. (翻译:Del.icio.us是一个社会书签服务。)

5. Home of Del and Charla Geddens Kearny, New Jersey Thursday, December 15 (翻译:Del和Charla Geddens家里 New Jersey Kearny镇 xx月xx日 星期四)

6. No, Del, please instruct Mr. Pratt this is not a free-for-all. (翻译:- 不 Del 请你告诫Pratt先生 我们这里是有规矩的)

7. WITH THE ADULT FILM STAR NICO, IT'S ONLY $10... HEY, JASMINE. WHAT? (翻译:嘿, Jasmine 观众中有一个叫Dennis找你)

8. Uncle Del, aunt Charl, cousin Art, when I see your happy faces around this table, (翻译:Del叔父 Charl婶婶 Art表弟 当我看到你们微笑着 围坐在这桌子前的时候)

9. Isn't it odd Maya vanished after Nico mentioned the job? (翻译:好奇怪啊 自从尼科给我们讲了CDI的事之后 玛雅就没来过上班了)

10. At the time I was pregnant with my son, Nico, which meant that I had to take the back seat and concentrate on taking care of my family. (翻译:在那时我正怀着我的儿子,Nico。那意味着我需要呆在后台,集中精力照顾我的家庭。)

11. I live at Camino de la Fuente del Piojo, number 3. (翻译:我住在风景如画的 Camino de la Fuente del Piojo,3号)

12. “An ugly duckling has been turned into a swan, ” Ms. Del Nunzio said. (翻译:“丑小鸭变成了白天鹅。” Del Nunzio女士说。)

13. Got it. Motel Corona Del Norte. (翻译:查到了 Carona Del Norte汽车旅馆)

14. My name is Teresa Del Taco. (翻译:我叫玉米卷特里萨 My name is Teresa Del Taco.)

15. As for Susana and baby Nico, they are sometimes there, and sometimes not. (翻译:苏珊娜和小家伙尼克有时候被写进书中,有时候却没有。)

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