night waking是什么意思 night waking的中文翻译、读音、例句

night waking是什么意思 night waking的中文翻译、读音、例句

night waking在英语中代表"是夜醒症、夜行"的意思,其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,读音为[nightwaking],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到59个与night waking相关的例句。

Night waking的翻译


例句:Well, not on the first night! (not on the first night!)


例句:It was snowing last night. (It was snowing last night.)

例句:No more getting into fights with strangers, waking up in the gutter. (不再和陌生人发生冲突,在臭水沟边醒来。No more getting into fights with strangers,waking up in the gutter.)


night waking一般作为名词使用,如在waking(a. 醒着的)、night by night(夜夜,夜连夜)、night night(晚安(非正式))等常见短语中出现较多。

wakinga. 醒着的
night by night夜夜,夜连夜
night night晚安(非正式)
night night![网络] 晚安;一夜又一夜;转转书--晚安
waking center[医] 觉醒中枢
waking dream[医] 醒梦(指错觉或幻觉)
waking dreams[网络] 白日梦
waking hours[网络] 清醒时间;醒着的时间
waking life[网络] 半梦半醒的人生;梦醒人生;醒着的生活


1. No more getting into fights with strangers, waking up in the gutter. (翻译:不再和陌生人发生冲突,在臭水沟边醒来。No more getting into fights with strangers,waking up in the gutter.)

2. I love waking up next to you, and I want to keep waking up next to you for the rest of my life. (翻译:我爱唤醒你旁边, 我想保持唤醒你旁边。我的余生。)

3. Black, the night that ends at last! (翻译:the night that ends at last!)

4. Could he stay No. 1 while waking up in the night for feedings and diaper changes? (翻译:晚上喂奶,换尿布,他还能呆在1号的位置上长久吗?)

5. BE, played cards to beat a night last night (翻译:played cards to beat a night last night)

6. She was disco lights on a Friday night (翻译:Shewasdiscolights on a Friday night)

7. Oh, running in the night ? (翻译:Oh, runnig in the night)

8. ♪ Waking up in the morning... ♪ (翻译:♪ Waking up in the morning... ♪)

9. They rode all night, with Tyrion sleeping fitfully, dozing against the pommel and waking suddenly. (翻译:他们骑行了整晚,提利昂不时睡着,靠着马鞍头打盹然后又突然惊醒。)

10. Waking up with Abraham Lincoln in the morning, thinking of Franklin Roosevelt when I went to bed at night. (翻译:早晨起来,我会想到亚伯拉罕·林肯 晚上睡觉还会想到富兰克林·罗斯福)

11. By morning, night and noon (翻译:By morning, night and noon)

12. Had a long night last night. (翻译:经过昨晚的漫漫长夜 Had a long night last night.)

13. The next thing I knew my nanny was waking me up in the middle of the night telling me their plane had crashed. (翻译:之后我还记得的是... ...我的保姆在深夜叫醒我 告诉我他们的飞机失事了)

14. I'm not waking her up at 10:30 at night so she can talk to you. (翻译:我不会在晚上十点半把她喊起来为了和你说话)

15. ♪ tried to run, tried to hide ♪ ♪ break on through to the other side ♪ (翻译:♪ Night divides the day ♪)

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