nikonovich是什么意思 nikonovich的中文翻译、读音、例句

nikonovich是什么意思 nikonovich的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Gossip and the Everyday Production of Politics by Niko Besnier Karen Brison (《流言与政治学的日常生产》,尼克·贝斯那)


1. Nice going, Niko... and a heck of a plan, Julius. (翻译:干的漂亮,尼科... 朱利尔斯,你的计划可真不错啊)

2. In addition, TRICHORD has a Niko-Niko Calendar service to share the team's mood. (翻译:另外,TRICHORD有一个表情日历服务用来给全团队分享心情。)

3. Niko engages in fierce battle with cops after killing Tom Goldberg. (翻译:它也从事激烈的战斗,与警察杀害后,汤姆。)

4. Yes, yes, Jean-Yves and Niko, are Henry... (翻译:- 这是Jean和Niko 这是Henry)

5. Caroline: Hi Niko! Nice to meet you. (翻译:卡罗琳:你好,妮可!见到你很高兴。)

6. z~Niko. Give me a hug. Good to have you here cousin. . . I've got something for you. (翻译:来给你亲爱的侠盗飞车电话任务表哥一个拥抱,我有些东西要给你。)

7. In addition, TRICHORD has a Niko-Niko Calendar service to share the team's mood. (翻译:另外,TRICHORD有一个表情日历服务用来给全团队分享心情。)

8. You're not here to fall, Niko. You're here to fly. (翻译:你站在这里不是为了摔下去的 尼科,你是要从这里飞起来)

9. Niko Wirgentius: And then we realized that, hey, there are a lot of surplus heat related to these kind of a large scale server rooms. (翻译:尼科·文尊蒂亚斯:后来我们意识到,好家伙,大型服务器产生了大量余热。)

10. You know, Zigic is gonna give Niko my job over this. (翻译:知道吗,这件事事成之后,日基奇本打算让尼克来接替我的工作)

11. niko, i've got to run, come meet me at the cab office. (翻译:尼考,我得走了,要找我就到我车行的办公室来。)

12. Niko engages in fierce battle with cops after killing Tom Goldberg. (翻译:它也从事激烈的战斗,与警察杀害后,汤姆戈德堡。)

13. Niko gave up fencing, guitar, and piano lessons. (翻译:尼科要学击剑,吉它,钢琴,但所有的都半途而废)

14. You know, Niko, people aren't always exactly the way you think they are. (翻译:你知道吗,尼科 人有时候并不完全是 和你想像的一样的)

15. -Hallo, Niko. Philipp Rauch. Nice to meet you. (翻译:- 你好,尼科,我是菲利普·劳赫,很高兴认识你)

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