meconopsis forrestii在英语中代表"丽江绿绒蒿"的意思,还有丽江绿绒蒿的意思,发音是[meconopsisforrestii],meconopsis forrestii在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到68个与meconopsis forrestii相关的句子。
Meconopsis forrestii的词典翻译
例句:Forrest Gump. Momma said that the Forrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, just don't make sense. (妈妈说给我取这个名字,是要提醒我,人有时候都会做一些莫明其妙的事情。)
meconopsis forrestii一般作为名词使用,如在Meconopsis forrestii(n. 丽江绿绒蒿)、meconopsis(蓝花绿绒蒿)、forrestii([网络] 大理白前;细瘦六道木;川滇冷杉)等常见短语中出现较多。
Meconopsis forrestii | n. 丽江绿绒蒿 |
meconopsis | 蓝花绿绒蒿 |
forrestii | [网络] 大理白前;细瘦六道木;川滇冷杉 |
genus Meconopsis | [网络] Meconopsis属 |
Meconopsis aculeata | n. 皮剌绿绒蒿 |
Meconopsis argemonantha | n. 白花绿绒蒿 |
Meconopsis barbiseta | n. 久治绿绒蒿 |
Meconopsis cambrica | [网络] 绿绒蒿 |
meconopsis cambricas | [网络] 绿绒蒿\n(meconopsis cambrica 的复数) |
Meconopsis concinna | n. 优雅绿绒蒿 |
1. Forrest Gump: Will you marry me? (翻译:阿甘:嫁给我吧? )
2. Venian con una historia que no se que pase con el dinero. (翻译:Venian CON UNA历史 无阙阙SéPASE CON萨尔瓦多迪内罗。)
3. I am Staff Sergeant Frater, this is Sergeant Forrest. (翻译:我是空军中士Frater 这是Forrest中士)
4. psych ops, division nine... (翻译:- - psych ops, 九部 语言部 division nine)
5. Well, in my experience, once a con, always a con. (翻译:就我的经验而言 xx日为骗 终生为骗 Well, in my experience, once a con, always a con.)
6. I'm the IPRA investigator, Forrest Burke. (翻译:我是IPRA调查员 Forrest Burke)
7. Trans con crisis trying to reach trans con 47. (翻译:Trans Con Crisis trying to reach Trans Con 47. 听到,请回答。)
8. A special ops surgeon gave me Castor's face! (翻译:特别行动组的医生给我... ...坎斯的脸)
9. (Scott) Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias! (翻译:Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias。)
10. - Rather expensive or rather stupid? (翻译:-更贵还是更笨 - Cher et con. - Plus cher ou plus con?)
11. The great Maximiliano Ferraro II enters... (翻译:The great Maximiliano Ferraro II enters...)
12. I move that we recall Investigator Forrest Burke. (翻译:我动议召回调查员Forrest Burke)
13. # Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo # (翻译:# Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo #)
14. You might try Decode-a-Con. (翻译:你可以试试去参加 Decode -a -Con.)
15. We'II have to keep the place open, or they'II suspect me. (翻译:我必须继续开迪士可 否则他们会怀疑我 现在你要怎么办?)