例句:No more than in the past ten years, no. (Hein? Non, enfin, pas plus que depuis 10 ans. Donc...)
例句:Oh, no, you don't disturb, Maman. But ... (不 你不会妨碍我的 Mais non, tu dérangeras pas.)
1. By an unknown number of nonhumans (翻译:拥有毁灭性力量的非人类渗透 by an unknown number of non -humans)
2. This little redheaded, non-fangy little guy? (翻译:Oh. This little redheaded, non -fangy little guy?)
3. - No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)
4. All good, everything is fine, everything is wonderful. (翻译:没有 一切都好 Non, tout va très bien.)
5. - No, Babou, this is important. (翻译:不 巴布 这很重要 Non, Babou.)
6. - I'll still do things with you guys. (翻译:- Vow? - Of non violence)
7. Always distinguish hyperlinked text from normal body text. Don't forget to differentiate visited and unvisited links. (翻译:区分超链接文本与通常的实体文本,同时区分已浏览链接和未浏览链接。)
8. The satellite dish and Wi-Fi were on the blink. (翻译:...non funzionavano parabola e WI -Fl...)
9. She is beautiful, isn't she? (翻译:很美的名字 对吧 Jolie, non?)
10. Of five people heading to non-extradition countries; (翻译:并用其身份逃亡那些无需引渡条约的国家 of five people heading to non)
11. Some non-affect hesitation. (翻译:有一些不影响运行的口吃 Some non -affect hesitation.)
12. But my Adolphe neither! In what language does it get in there? (翻译:我也不是这个意思 你要我讲什么语言 Moi non plus.)
13. Well, all right, I say it. (翻译:不 还是我说 Non... Je vais leur dire.)
14. It worked, didn't it? I did it! (翻译:起作用了 不是吗 Ça a marché, non?)
15. The company will perform the work primarily at Cannon and Nellis Air Force bases. (翻译:该公司将主要在Can non和Nellis空军基地进行工作。)