plague/vac是什么意思 plague/vac的中文翻译、读音、例句

plague/vac是什么意思 plague/vac的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及定义:

Plague 可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词,它的含义是瘟疫、灾祸、麻烦或折磨;作为动词,它的含义是折磨、骚扰或困扰。

2. 词源及历史:

Plague 这个词源自拉丁语的“plaga”,意为“打击”或“攻击”。它最初用于指黑死病这种致命传染病,但现在已经扩展到可以指任何有害的疾病、事物或情况。

3. 使用场景:

Plague 这个词可以在各种场景中使用,如描述自然灾害、社会问题、政治局势、疾病传播、环境污染等方面。

4. 同义词及反义词:

- 同义词: epidemic、outbreak、pandemic、pestilence、affliction

- 反义词: blessing、boon、benefit、favor、good fortune


1. The COVID-19 outbreak has become a global plague, infecting millions of people and disrupting economies around the world. (新冠肺炎疫情已经成为全球性的灾害,感染了数百万人,打乱了全球经济。)

2. The locust plague in Africa has destroyed crops and threatened food security in many countries. (非洲的蝗灾已经破坏了农作物,威胁到了许多国家的粮食安全。)

3. The opioid epidemic in the United States has killed tens of thousands of people and devastated communities across the country. (美国的阿片类药物危机已经导致数万人死亡,摧毁了全国许多社区。)

4. The pollution of our oceans has become a plague, endangering marine life and disrupting the ecosystem. (海洋污染已经成为一种灾难,危及海洋生命,打乱生态系统。)

5. The constant harassment from online trolls is a plague for many social media users, causing stress and anxiety. (来自网络恶意评论的不断骚扰对许多社交媒体用户来说,是一种折磨,引发了压力和焦虑。)





1. The plague spread rapidly throughout the city.(瘟疫在城市中迅速蔓延。)

2. Corruption is a plague that afflicts many countries.(腐败是许多国家的灾难。)

3. He is always complaining, he is a real plague.(他总是抱怨,真是一个令人讨厌的人。)




例句:You know, with the Black Plague and all. (你知道,它们大多与黑死病 和其他什么的有关。莎士比亚的确使用许多语汇, )


例句:Trying to stop a plague that you created. (你来这里干什么 What are you doing here? 来阻止你制造的瘟疫 Trying to stop a plague that you created.)


例句:And the plague is coming on fast Ready to kill- (寒冬迅速降临 准备大开杀戒 And the plague is coming on fast Ready to kill-)


例句:If it's not, then the dead person will return to plague their living relatives. (翻译:这并没有发生,死者则返回 要发挥区的作用)


plague一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Plague on it(该死, 愿天降祸于他)、Plague on it!(st. 该死!)、plague with(用…来烦扰人,用…来折磨人)等常见短语中出现较多。

Plague on it该死, 愿天降祸于他
Plague on it!st. 该死!
plague with用…来烦扰人,用…来折磨人
the plague黑死病
duck plague鸭瘟
fowl plague[医] 家禽疫, 鸡瘟
glandular plague[医] 腺鼠疫, 腹股沟淋巴结鼠疫
Great Plaguen. 大瘟疫(指xx年流行于伦敦的鼠疫)
hemorrhagic plague[医] 出血性鼠疫


1. And the plague is coming on fast Ready to kill- (翻译:寒冬迅速降临 准备大开杀戒 And the plague is coming on fast Ready to kill-)

2. If it's not, then the dead person will return to plague their living relatives. (翻译:这并没有发生,死者则返回 要发挥区的作用)

3. And the mosquito has killed more humans than wars and plague. (翻译:因为蚊子而死亡的人,甚至比因为战争 和瘟疫而死亡的人还多。)

4. With the exception of 2 cases of the septicaemic form of plague, all recorded cases are pneumonic plague. (翻译:除2例败血性鼠疫外,所有记录的病例均为肺鼠疫。)

5. You want to understand the plague and why one plague is bubonic and the other one is a different kind of plague and the other one is a different kind of plague? (翻译:你想了解鼠疫和为什么 这种鼠疫是淋巴腺鼠疫, 另一种是不同类型的鼠疫, 还有一种不同类型的鼠疫吗? 这就是鼠疫的地图。)

6. We got a biblical plague here or what? (翻译:圣经上写的瘟疫 要上演了还是怎样了? 那个,我们来看看吧)

7. - I give thee this plague for thy dowry. (翻译:要是你一定要嫁人 我就把这诅咒送给你做嫁奁:)

8. Then immediately there would be an outbreak of the plague. (翻译:尽管远古外星人理论者 就Bramley的假说上产生了分歧)

9. Croatoan. It's a virus, plague and pestilence. (翻译:恶魔病毒的幸存者 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Croatoan survivals)

10. I lived through the Black Plague. (翻译:不仅逃过了黑色瘟疫 还在那段时光里颇为逍遥)

11. You're like a plague of locusts. (翻译:或者狗号也行! 你们就跟蝗虫一样冲到我家里来 你们也太没自信了)

12. Will colloidal silver help us fight the plague? (翻译:微粒的银可以帮助我们抗击灾祸吗? )

13. As for this village because of the plague, no one survived (翻译:至于这个小村庄嘛 因为瘟疫流行,无人生还)

14. People are crazed. They flee and take the plague with them. (翻译:人们都疯狂了 他们逃往内地 把瘟疫也带了过去)

15. And this popular plague led to what social changes? (翻译:Steve? And this popular plague led to what social changes? Steve?)



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