来自三无用英语怎么说 来自三无英语翻译

来自三无用英语怎么说 来自三无英语翻译

来自三无的英语为"hail from",在日常中也可以翻译为"forthbring",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到87个与来自三无相关的译文和例句。


1. hail from

来自三无翻译为hail from。

示例:♪ i hail from Greendale Y'all fools can't compete
# I hail from Greendale Y'all fools can't compete


2. forthbring

3. neutral packing

来自三无翻译为neutral packing。

示例:Put it in neutral. it's in neutral.


4. miniter


1. neutral packing(n. 中性包装,三无包装)

2. neets( 尼特族;啃老族;三无青年)

3. miniter( 三无人员;阁僚)

4. hail from(来自)

5. forthbring( 来自)


1. Feiias, we haven't slept in three years.


2. On the way i must drink 3 wine bowls at each wine stall


3. We'redowntofour , three no collars, joe, jenn and

译文:三个无领 Joe。

4. Three different stories, from three different countries.


5. You know what they say, three time's a charm.


6. This is a group. it's either three or nothing.

译文:她们是三人团 不是三位 就是一个都无。

7. Much of it comes not only because of cutting, but also burning.


8. He turns up three days later at bastion, not a scratch on him.

译文:然后,他出现了三天后 侵袭,无划痕。

9. Without wisdom...without...

译文:无智... 无...。

10. is it safe to assume the white

译文:四个无领 三个白领。

11. Remember that not only is it most Christian and in these difficult times, it's a patriotic duty.

译文:记得不仅不孝有三无后为大... 而且在此国难时刻 这是爱国义务。

12. No company, No stocks, No degree


13. ...no peace! No justice, no peace!

译文:...无和平 无正义无和平。

14. ♪ Why would i stop loving you a hundred years from now?

译文:Echo ts 小貂 校对: 葱家的小毛毛 时间轴: 三无菇凉某乙。

15. Sorry, what? "A nu-ca-ler."

译文:对不起,什么?”无 无 无 核“。

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