Lewisia是什么意思 Lewisia的读音、翻译、用法

Lewisia是什么意思 Lewisia的读音、翻译、用法

'Lewisia'不是任何一个国家的语言,它是以美国植物学家Meriwether Lewis的名字命名的一种多年生草本植物。该植物通常生长在岩石缝隙和山地草甸,花朵呈现出丰富多彩的颜色,因此也被称为“岩生报春”。


1. The Lewisia is a beautiful alpine plant that thrives in cold and rocky environments.(Lewisia是一种美丽的高山植物,适应寒冷和岩石环境。)

2. The Lewisia is often used in garden landscaping due to its attractive flowers and hardy nature.(Lewisia常常被用于园林景观设计,因为它的花朵十分美丽而且很耐寒。)

3. The Lewisia cotyledon is a popular variety of this plant, known for its bright pink flowers.(Lewisia cotyledon是一个很受欢迎的品种,以其鲜艳的粉色花朵而著称。)

4. The Lewisia is a member of the purslane family and is native to western North America.(Lewisia是矮马齿苋科的一种植物,原产于北美西部。)

5. The Lewisia is a great addition to any rock garden or alpine landscaping project.(Lewisia是任何岩石花园或高山景观设计项目的绝佳选择。)

6. The Lewisia blooms in late spring and early summer, filling the mountain meadows with color.(Lewisia在晚春和初夏时开花,为山地草甸增添色彩。)

7. The Lewisia rediviva is a threatened species in some areas of its native range due to habitat loss.(Lewisia rediviva在其原产地的一些地区是一种濒危物种,原因是失去了栖息地。)

8. The Lewisia is often propagated by seed, but can also be grown from stem cuttings.(Lewisia通常通过种子繁殖,但也可以通过茎插法种植。)

9. The Lewisia is a popular choice for rock garden enthusiasts, as it adds a splash of color to the otherwise barren landscape.(Lewisia是岩石花园爱好者的热门选择,因为它为原本荒凉的景观增添了一抹色彩。)

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