'Street Workout' 这个词语是英语,中文翻译为“街头健身”。它指的是在室外环境中,通过利用身体自身的重量进行各种肌肉训练的健身方式,借助周围环境的物品,如铁栏杆、墙壁、台阶等作为健身器材,以达到锻炼肌肉,塑造身材的效果。
以下是9个含有‘Street Workout’的例句,使用英语并带中文翻译:
1. Street workout became popular in many countries around the world.(街头健身在世界上许多国家变得流行起来了。)
2. If you want to try street workout, you can start with basic exercises like push-ups and squats.(如果想尝试街头健身,可以从基本的练习,如俯卧撑和深蹲开始。)
3. Street workout can be a great way to stay fit without having to go to the gym.(街头健身是保持身材的好方法,不用去健身房。)
4. Some street workout enthusiasts like to organize competitions to showcase their skills.(一些街头健身爱好者喜欢组织比赛展示他们的技巧。)
5. You should always warm up before doing street workout to avoid injuries.(在进行街头健身前,应该进行热身以避免受伤。)
6. Street workout can help you build functional strength that can be useful in everyday life.(街头健身可以帮助你建立实用的力量,在日常生活中很有用。)
7. Street workout doesn't require any special equipment, so it can be done anywhere, anytime.(街头健身不需要任何特殊的设备,所以可以随时随地进行。)
8. Street workout can be modified for people of all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.(街头健身可以根据各种健身水平进行调整,从初学者到高水平的运动员。)
9. Street workout is more than just a way to exercise, it's also a way to connect with other fitness enthusiasts.(街头健身不仅仅是一种锻炼方式,也是连接其他健身爱好者的方式。)