gamma-hch是什么意思 gamma-hch的读音、翻译、用法

gamma-hch是什么意思 gamma-hch的读音、翻译、用法

'gamma-hch' 是英语中的化学词汇,表示伽马-六氯环已烷。它是一种有机氯化合物,是六氯环已烷的一种同分异构体。常用翻译有伽玛六氯化环已烷、伽马六氯己烷等。

以下是9个含有 'gamma-hch' 的例句:

1. Gamma-hch是一种常见的有机氯农药。

Gamma-hch is a common organic chlorine pesticide.

2. Gamma-hch的存在可能对环境产生负面影响。

The presence of gamma-hch may have negative effects on the environment.

3. gamma-hch的应用已被禁止,因为它对人体健康存在威胁。

The use of gamma-hch has been banned as it poses a threat to human health.

4. 食品中不得含有gamma-hch残留物。

Food should not contain residues of gamma-hch.

5. 化学工业中,gamma-hch常被用作反应中间体。

In chemical industries, gamma-hch is often used as a reaction intermediate.

6. gamma-hch的结构与六氯环已烷相似,但它们的性质有所不同。

The structure of gamma-hch is similar to that of hexachlorocyclohexane, but their properties are different.

7. gamma-hch对昆虫有毒作用,因此常被用作杀虫剂。

Gamma-hch is toxic to insects and is therefore used as an insecticide.

8. 由于gamma-hch的有毒性,其在一些国家已被禁止使用。

Due to its toxicity, gamma-hch has been banned in some countries.

9. gamma-hch是一种有机化合物,它的结构由六个氯原子和一个环丙烷环组成。

Gamma-hch is an organic compound that is composed of six chlorine atoms and a cyclopropane ring in its structure.

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