Sitobion avenae是什么意思 Sitobion avenae的读音、翻译、用法

Sitobion avenae是什么意思 Sitobion avenae的读音、翻译、用法


以下是9个含有“Sitobion avenae”词语的例句:

1. Sitobion avenae是已知的燕麦蚜虫中影响最重要的一种。

(Sitobion avenae is the most important aphid affecting oats known.)

2. 燕麦蚜虫容易通过风力散播,导致病害大面积传播。

(Sitobion avenae is easily spread by wind and can cause disease to be spread over a relatively large area.)

3. 燕麦蚜虫的卵孵化率受温度影响,理解这点有助于研究和控制该害虫。

(The hatching rate of Sitobion avenae is temperature-dependent, understanding this can help with research and control of the pest.)

4. 研究表明,大气二氧化碳浓度升高可能会增加燕麦蚜虫的繁殖。

(Studies have suggested that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations may increase the reproduction of Sitobion avenae.)

5. 燕麦蚜虫喜欢温暖干燥的气候,这也是它们在一些地区频繁出现的原因。

(Sitobion avenae are attracted to warm and dry climates, which is why they are frequent in some areas.)

6. 燕麦蚜虫繁殖率非常高,一只成年的雌虫可在六天内产下约100只幼虫。

(Sitobion avenae has a very high reproductive rate, with one adult female being able to produce around 100 offspring in six days.)

7. 农民应该密切关注燕麦蚜虫的发生情况,采取预防和治疗措施,以避免影响作物产量。

(Farmers should keep a close eye on the occurrence of Sitobion avenae and take preventative and treatment measures to avoid affecting crop yields.)

8. 燕麦蚜虫可以通过进食传播病毒,导致植物的生长发育受到损害。

(Sitobion avenae can transmit viruses through feeding, which can harm the growth and development of plants.)

9. 研究表明,天敌对燕麦蚜虫的控制具有重要意义,可以减少使用农药,保护环境。

(Research has shown that natural enemies play an important role in the control of Sitobion avenae, reducing the need for pesticides and protecting the environment.)

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