'M4 Sherman'这个词语源于英语,是一种二战时期美国的坦克,常被简称为Sherman。Sherman坦克是美国陆军在二战期间量产的主要坦克之一,使用了名为“四定律”的设计原则,包括简化、标准化、重复性和可维护性。这种坦克被广泛使用,因其简单、耐用和易于维护而被称为“坦克界的吉普车”。
以下是9个含有'M4 Sherman'的例句:
1. The M4 Sherman was the main battle tank used by the United States during World War II.(M4 Sherman是美国在二战期间使用的主要战斗坦克。)
2. The M4 Sherman was known for its simplicity and durability.(M4 Sherman以其简单和耐用性而闻名。)
3. In the later years of World War II, the M4 Sherman was increasingly outmatched by the German tanks.(在二战后期,M4 Sherman逐渐被德国坦克超越。)
4. The M4 Sherman was used by many countries after the war, including Israel and Taiwan.(战后,许多国家都使用了M4 Sherman,包括以色列和台湾。)
5. The M4 Sherman was the most widely used tank by the Allies in World War II.(M4 Sherman是二战期间盟军中使用最广泛的坦克。)
6. The M4 Sherman was often criticized for its weak armor and low firepower.(M4 Sherman常因其薄弱的装甲和低火力而受到批评。)
7. The M4 Sherman was designed to be easy to produce, in order to meet the demand for large numbers of tanks during the war.(为了满足战争期间大量坦克的需求,M4 Sherman的设计着重于易于生产。)
8. The M4 Sherman saw action in many famous battles, including the Battle of the Bulge and the Normandy landings.(M4 Sherman参与了许多著名的战役,包括布尔战役和诺曼底登陆。)
9. The M4 Sherman was eventually replaced by more advanced tanks, such as the M26 Pershing.(M4 Sherman最终被更加先进的坦克所取代,如M26珀金。)