'Landon Donovan'是英语,中文翻译为“兰顿·多诺万”,是一位著名的美国足球运动员。他曾代表美国国家队参加多次世界杯和美洲杯比赛,是美国足球历史上最伟大的球员之一。常见的翻译包括“兰顿·多纳文”、“兰登·多诺万”等。以下是含有这个词语的9个例句:
1. Landon Donovan scored the winning goal in the 2010 World Cup match against Algeria.(兰顿·多诺万在xx年世界杯对阵阿尔及利亚的比赛中打入了获胜进球。)
2. Donovan is one of the most successful American soccer players of all time.(多诺万是美国历史上最成功的足球运动员之一。)
3. Landon Donovan retired from professional soccer in 2014.(兰顿·多诺万于xx年退役。)
4. Donovan's performance in the 2002 World Cup helped to put American soccer on the map.(多诺万在xx年世界杯上的表现帮助美国足球崭露头角。)
5. Many soccer fans consider Donovan to be the greatest American player ever.(许多足球迷认为多诺万是史上最伟大的美国球员。)
6. Donovan played for the LA Galaxy for many years before retiring.(多诺万在退役前为洛杉矶银河队效力多年。)
7. Landon Donovan was known for his speed and agility on the soccer field.(兰顿·多诺万以在足球场上的速度和敏捷性而著名。)
8. Donovan's hat-trick against Ecuador in 2007 was one of the highlights of his career.(多诺万在xx年对阵厄瓜多尔的帽子戏法是他职业生涯的亮点之一。)
9. Landon Donovan was inducted into the National Soccer Hall of Fame in 2014.(兰顿·多诺万于xx年入选美国国家足球名人堂。)