Oda Nobunaga是什么意思 Oda Nobunaga的读音、翻译、用法

Oda Nobunaga是什么意思 Oda Nobunaga的读音、翻译、用法

'Oda Nobunaga'是日本语言。它是日本历史上的一位伟大的统治者,也是战国时期的重要人物之一。他是日本近代化的奠基人之一,被认为是日本历史上最具有争议性的领袖之一。常见的翻译包括織田信長、织田信长等。

以下是9个含有'Oda Nobunaga'的例句:

1. Oda Nobunaga被认为是日本历史上最具有争议性的统治者之一。

(翻译:Oda Nobunaga is considered one of the most controversial rulers in Japanese history.)

2. 织田信长是日本历史上最著名的统治者之一。

(翻译:Oda Nobunaga is one of the most famous rulers in Japanese history.)

3. Oda Nobunaga是日本近代化的奠基人之一。

(翻译:Oda Nobunaga is one of the founders of modernization in Japan.)

4. 织田信长在战国时期发挥了重要作用。

(翻译:Oda Nobunaga played an important role in the Warring States period.)

5. Oda Nobunaga是日本中世纪历史上最著名的将军之一。

(翻译:Oda Nobunaga is one of the most famous generals in medieval Japanese history.)

6. 在织田信长的领导下,日本实现了政治和经济的现代化。

(翻译:Under the leadership of Oda Nobunaga, Japan achieved political and economic modernization.)

7. 织田信长是日本历史上最具争议性的领袖之一,他的统治被认为是残酷和无情的。

(翻译:Oda Nobunaga is one of the most controversial leaders in Japanese history, and his rule is considered to be brutal and ruthless.)

8. 织田信长是一个有远见的领袖,他实现了日本的统一。

(翻译:Oda Nobunaga was a visionary leader who achieved the unification of Japan.)

9. 织田信长在他的领导下建立了许多改革,他的影响在日本历史上长时间存在。

(翻译:Under his leadership, Oda Nobunaga implemented many reforms, and his influence lasted for a long time in Japanese history.)

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