occlusal fossa是什么意思 occlusal fossa的中文翻译、读音、例句

occlusal fossa是什么意思 occlusal fossa的中文翻译、读音、例句

occlusal fossa的意思是"面窝",在英美地区还有"面窝"的意思,单词读音音标为[occlusalfossa],occlusal fossa是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到51个与occlusal fossa相关的句子。

Occlusal fossa的翻译


例句:Fossa ovalis and the tributaries of great saphenous veins were observed and measured on 52 lower limbs of the patient. (在患者的52个下肢上观察并测量了卵圆窝和大隐静脉的支流。)


occlusal fossa一般作为名词使用,如在occlusal(a. [医](上下齿)咬合(面)的)、Fossa fossa([网络] 窝窝)、fossa(n. 窝, 凹\n[医] 窝, 凹)等常见短语中出现较多。

occlusala. [医](上下齿)咬合(面)的
Fossa fossa[网络] 窝窝
fossan. 窝, 凹\n[医] 窝, 凹
occlusal adjustment[医] 调Ж, 咬合调整
occlusal anatomy[医] Ж面解剖学
occlusal area[医] Ж区, 咬合区
occlusal attrition[医] Ж面磨耗
occlusal balance咬合平衡
occlusal balancing[医] 咬合平衡术, Ж平衡术


1. Objective: To observe effect of different occlusal pad on treating bruxism. (翻译:目的:观察两种不同垫设计在夜磨牙治疗中的临床效果。)

2. Results Mastoid process, jugular fossa, and occipital condyle were important signs. (翻译:结果乳突、乳孔、颈静脉窝、枕髁都是重要的术中解剖学标志。)

3. The piriformis fossa and greater trochanter are viable starting points for antegrade nailing. (翻译:在梨状肌窝和大转子是可行的出发点,顺行穿钉治疗。)

4. Unless the patient has a very sensitive bowstring sign, no pain is felt in the popliteal fossa region. (翻译:除非病人感觉过敏,通常在腘窝区没有疼痛。)

5. Conclusion: Mesio- distally direction occlusal relationship obviously piloted chewing movement. (翻译:结论:近远中向咬合关系对咀嚼运动有明显的引导作用。)

6. Objective:To study the characteristic of mandibular kinesiography(MKG) of the patients wearing linear occlusal denture or anatomic occlusal denture, and its relation with masticatory function. (翻译:目的了解线性总义齿和解剖总义齿修复患者的下颌运动特征及其与咀嚼功能的关系。)

7. A fossa is a shallow depression from the Latin word for "ditch" so that cubital fossa literally means "elbow crease. " (翻译:而“fossa”的意思是浅窝,源自拉丁语中“沟渠”一词,所以肘窝的字面意思就是手肘的褶皱处。)

8. Result These patients can have occlusal real relationships and recovery the losing anterior teeth. After one year, recurrence and unusualness haven't been found. (翻译:结果矫治后均取得正常的咬合关系和正常的缺牙修复,平均修复xx年,未见反复发和修复牙的异常。)

9. The tumours mainly involves the aryepiglottic folds, the ventricular folds or extending to the pyriform fossa, uncommon being subglottic. (翻译:该肿瘤主要发生于杓会厌襞,累及室带或突入梨状窝,声门下区少见。)

10. We reported a rare case of hemorrhagic epidermoid cyst located in the anterior cranial fossa. (翻译:我们报告一例罕见的个案是位于前颅窝的出血性上皮样囊肿。)

11. The reason for these may be the occlusal relationships of upper and lower molars, dental physiological function of the teeth, and the difference in economic subsistance between the groups. (翻译:磨耗速率的组内、组间差异与上下颌牙齿咬合关系、口腔咀嚼生理以及不同经济文化古人群的食物构成等差异有关。)

12. the other 11 cases were vital teeth with periodontitis and occlusal traumatism. (翻译:活髓牙11例,均存在不同程度牙周炎和咬合创伤。)

13. The 3d images of pterygopalatine fossa are helpful in stereotaxy of anatomic structure at surgery. (翻译:翼愕窝3d图像有助于术中解剖结构的立体定位。)

14. Operative relevant microanatomy study of the hypophyseal fossa and parasellar Structure (翻译:垂体窝及其毗邻结构手术相关显微解剖学研究)

15. There was a radiopaque particle which was revealed on the right side of the mouth floor from the lower occlusal film in our clinic. (翻译:放射线下颚咬合片检查发现在右口底有不透射线颗粒。)

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