例句:It was all 'Mega Man', 'Mario' and 'Metroid' (我经常玩《洛克人》 《超级马里奥》 《银河战士》)
例句:The Swimsuit Preliminary accounts for 15% of the total score and tests the grace, athleticism and poise of each lovely woman. (泳装初选占总分的百分之十五 评估每位美女的优雅 对运动的爱好和仪态)
1. She had an erectness of carriage, an ease of bearing, a poise that clearly indicated the best of breeding. (翻译:她亭亭玉立,体态优雅,这一切都说明她出身高贵。)
2. What amazed him even more than her appearance was her poise. (翻译:比她的长相更让他惊讶的是她的沉着镇定。)
3. What do you teach? -speech, elocution and poise. (翻译:你教什么? -谈吐,演讲以及仪态。)
4. Mega Channel 32.73% Bobolas family - constructions 22.11% Stavros Psicharis - publishing (翻译:Mega频道 32.73% Bobolas家族 - 建筑业 22.11% Stavros Psicharis)
5. We are in the evacuation center Mega Dome, where there are no buses, or no food, no water. (翻译:我们是在中心 兆丰疏散多摩, 那里没有公交车, 或者没有食物,没有水,)
6. We call it a mega-maser. (翻译:我们叫它巨型脉泽。)
7. And now, after all the talent, after all the poise and beauty, we come to the big moment. (翻译:经过才艺表演 服装秀和展示环节 我们终于要揭晓结果了)
8. And what is interesting is that that produces in a way perhaps the ultimate mega-building. (翻译:有趣的是,结果将产生一个 最终极的巨型建筑。)
9. All you chumps think you got poise You prance around like little toys (翻译:你们这呆子以为体态很美么 就像个小玩偶一样趾高气昂)
10. The song was a mega hit last year. (翻译:这首歌是去年最热门的歌曲。)
11. A mega-billboard on the ceiling stating that God is great. (翻译:想象一下你理想中的巨型超市 会是个什么样的呢? 我来告诉你是什么样的)
12. He has become mega rich. (翻译:他已的的确确变富了。)
13. - But this is a mega Boss Battle. (翻译:芬恩,没人在意你过来多少关 但这是很高的水平了)
14. And that makes tonight's Mega Lotto Jackpot Drawing 4815 (翻译:今晚大乐透的中奖号码是 4、8、15、16、23)
15. Wavell received the decision with poise and dignity. (翻译:韦维尔以安祥持重的态度接受了这项决定。)