1. Offord是一个地名,在Cambridgeshire郡的Huntingdonshire区。在教授地理和人名时可以使用Offord。
- My family comes from Offord.
- Offord is a small village in Cambridgeshire.
- Offord is often pronounced with the stress on the second syllable, rather than the first.
2. Offord也可以是一个缩写词,代表“Online Formative Feedback for Oral and Written Skill Development”。这是一个教育领域的术语,指通过在线方式给学生提供形式反馈,以促进口头和书面技能的发展。
- The Offord method has been shown to be effective in improving student writing skills.
- Teachers who use Offord in their classes report that students are more engaged and willing to receive feedback.
- Offord can be used in both online and traditional classroom settings.
3. Offord还可以是一个姓氏,代表某些名人。在教授英语文化和历史时,可以使用Offord来引入和讨论这些人物。
- William Offord was a famous 19th-century architect.
- Sarah Offord was an important suffragette.
- Joseph Offord was a well-known scholar in the field of classics.
1. Offord是一个安静的乡村地区,距离城市有些远。
2. Offord的房子都是老式的石头建筑,非常美丽。
Offord is a quiet rural area that's quite far from the city.
The houses in Offord are all old-fashioned stone buildings that are very beautiful.
例句:Yeah. I wanna talk to Ford. (我想跟福德聊聊 Yeah, I want to talk to Ford.)
例句:- His name... Kevin Michael Ford. (- 姓名 Kevin Michael Ford)
例句:Name's Jimmy. Yeah, Jimmy Ford. (我的名字 嗯 Jimmy Jimmy Ford)
例句:Even Ford asked if I still have it. (翻译:福德还问起这套衣服是否留着 Even Ford asked if I still have it.)
1. Name's Jimmy. Yeah, Jimmy Ford. (翻译:我的名字 嗯 Jimmy Jimmy Ford)
2. Even Ford asked if I still have it. (翻译:福德还问起这套衣服是否留着 Even Ford asked if I still have it.)
3. Henry Ford comes up with a really cool idea. (翻译:Henry Ford有一个特别酷的想法. )
4. Ford promised me a dance a long, long time ago. (翻译:Ford promised me a dance -答应我跳支舞 -来吧)
5. I come back, maybe we can do some real business, Jimmy Ford. (翻译:我们倒可以谈些真正的生意 Jimmy Ford)
6. Kevin Ford made a hit list, Sam, and you're on it. (翻译:Kevin Ford列了个刺杀名单 Sam 你在上面)
7. Good day, Mr. Ford, Mr. Ford. (翻译:你好 Mr. Ford, Mr. Ford.)
8. - Marlo. Marlo, right now we just need to find Ford, okay? (翻译:- Marlo Marlo 我们现在只需要找到Ford 好吗?)
9. Julie Ford, mission specialist, geologist. (翻译:Julie Ford, 任务专家, 地质学家)
10. "Ford," he called softly. For that was her name. (翻译:他轻声的喊了声“Ford”,那是她的名字)
11. It's a Ford Mustang convertible! (翻译:这是福特的MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE耶)
12. And Ford has a tendency to get chatty. (翻译:-福德很容易话多 -别怀疑他 - And Ford has a tendency to get chatty.)
13. Mickey, this is Jimmy Ford's son, Nate. (翻译:Mickey 这是Jimmy Ford的儿子Nate)
14. One last score, huh, Ford? (翻译:福德 这是最后一票 One last score, huh, Ford?)
15. "A Beetle on its Back " with Harrison Ford. (翻译:《甲虫背上》 Harrison Ford也主演)