officials是什么意思 officials的中文翻译、读音、例句

officials是什么意思 officials的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 涵义:officials 指的是公务员,政府官员,组织领导等人群,通常具有一定的权力和责任。

2. 用法:officials 作为名词,可用作主语、宾语、定语和表语等;在表达时需要注意其单复数形式以及所属关系的使用。

3. 相关搭配:常用的相关搭配有 government officials(政府官员)、sports officials(体育官员)、party officials(党务干部)等。


1. Government officials have promised to take action to address the issue of air pollution.


2. The sports officials were responsible for ensuring that all athletes followed the rules.


3. Party officials have been working hard to improve the living conditions of the local people.


4. The officials from the embassy were invited to attend the opening ceremony of the new hospital.


5. The company's officials met with the union representatives to discuss the terms of the new contract.





1. The officials are expected to announce a new policy next week. (官员们预计将在下周公布新政策。)

2. The officials are responsible for managing the city's budget. (官方人员负责管理城市的预算。)




例句:Officials suspect a poison gas attack, ({/a6}未显示: 警方怀疑这是一起毒气袭击事件)


例句:My descendants and I have no respect for officials (我的祖宗从明太祖到清朝光绪 就没人服过当官的)


例句:Smears and slanders, say Jobbik officials. (但Jobbik官员指责这些纯属污蔑和诽谤。)


例句:Welcomed by Alexei Kosygin and Leonid Brejnev, high-ranking soviet officials, (翻译:被阿列克谢・柯西金和列昂尼德・勃列日涅夫, Welcomed by Alexei Kosygin and Leonid Brejnev, 苏联高级官员迎接, high -ranking soviet officials,)


officials一般作为名词使用,如在elected officials(民选官员)、executive officials(文法吏)、floor officials([经] (交易所内)市场交易管理人员)等常见短语中出现较多。

elected officials民选官员
executive officials文法吏
floor officials[经] (交易所内)市场交易管理人员
football officials[网络] 足球官\n(football official 的复数)
fourth officials[网络] 第四官员
government officials官吏
local officials外臣
principal officials[法] 主要官员
senior officials[网络] 高级官员;资深官员
law enforcement officials[法] 治安官员, 执法人员


1. Smears and slanders, say Jobbik officials. (翻译:但Jobbik官员指责这些纯属污蔑和诽谤。)

2. Welcomed by Alexei Kosygin and Leonid Brejnev, high-ranking soviet officials, (翻译:被阿列克谢・柯西金和列昂尼德・勃列日涅夫, Welcomed by Alexei Kosygin and Leonid Brejnev, 苏联高级官员迎接, high -ranking soviet officials,)

3. They quoted reports of payments to officials. (翻译:可他们有官方付款报告 They quoted reports of payments to officials.)

4. Their fundamental antipathy towards city officials will never do. (翻译:Their fundamental antipathy towards city officials will never do.)

5. We must investigate the families of the beheaded officials. (翻译:先调查一下参加谋反的官僚 有没有留活口的)

6. Search out corrupt officials and collect praiseworthy stories? (翻译:贪官污吏也好 马屁精也罢 当官不都是那样的吗)

7. Officials are saying there is no evidence to indicate that the astronauts survived. (翻译:官员说没有证据说明 ... 那些宇航员恐怕没能幸存。)

8. Von mcbride, other lawyers, court officials. (翻译:-Von Mcbride 其他律师 法院官员)

9. all council officials responsible for a new project (翻译:我提议凡地方政务委员会上马新项目 all council officials responsible for a new project)

10. Capitol officials, Peacekeepers, torturers, Gamemakers. (翻译:凯匹特的官员们 和平卫队 打手 游戏设计者)

11. Officials began posting warning notices. (翻译:官员们开始张贴警示布告。)

12. I must rely on advice from my officials. (翻译:I must rely on advice from my officials.)

13. American and Yugoslav officials are here negotiating. (翻译:到处都是纸张文件 美国和南斯拉夫的官员们都在这里商讨)

14. The Official Secrets Act is notto protect secrets, but officials. (翻译:伯纳 《官方保密法》不是保护秘密的 The Official Secrets Act is notto protect secrets, 是保护官方的 but officials.)

15. The ship was boarded by customs officials. (翻译:海关官员登上了这艘船。)



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