oligopneustic是什么意思 oligopneustic的中文翻译、读音、例句

oligopneustic是什么意思 oligopneustic的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:A couple of senatorial retirement announcements this week, highlighting what has been a gradual rolling back of the GOP's... (一对夫妇参议院退休 本周公布, 突出什么了 的GOP的逐步滚动回...)


1. The study was reportedly the first to investigate human dietary absorption of the Neu5Gc glycans found naturally in red meats. (翻译:这项研究也是第一次着眼于人体通过膳食而吸收N-乙酰神经氨酸多糖,而它是天然存在红肉中的。)

2. A number of far-right terrorist groups, notably the P.A.F. and the S.T.I.C., say they'll meet the challenge of the extreme left and contribute to this operation of total subversion. (翻译:是个右倾恐怖组织 特别是PAF和sTIc 声称他们会与左倾组织桃战)

3. Alicia Neu, medical director of pediatric nephrology and the pediatric stone clinic at Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore. (翻译:巴尔的摩市JohnsHopkins儿童中心儿童肾科和少儿结石专家门诊的医学主任AliciaNeu说。)

4. You have no energy because you let Gop-dahn have all your food! (翻译:你虚弱无力是因为 你把食物都给国端吃了!)

5. Using on-line monitoring of oli-gas conform the fault type. (翻译:通过油气量在线监测,判断其故障类型和性质;)

6. The only reason I let you live... is if I can get something from you. (翻译:唯一的理由\ NEU让你活着 是,如果我能得到\对一些事情你。)

7. Look at the Chinamen go! The GOP would rather obstruct the recovery of our country than do anything constructive. (翻译:看看人家中国人搞得风生水起!共和党这些人宁愿妨碍我们国家的复兴,也不愿意做些有建设性的事儿。)

8. Oli kicked off his official visit to China on August 26 at the invitation of Li. (翻译:奥利副首相兼外交大臣是应外长邀请,于xx月xx日开始对我国进行正式访问的。)

9. The rise of the neu-dualism also has an important reference to the development of Marxist consciousness theory. (翻译:这种新二元论的崛起对于发展马克思主义意识论也有着重要的借鉴意义。)

10. Hey, Oli, it's Pax. Are you still with that chick? (翻译:嘿 欧利 我是 帕克斯 你还和那个女人在一起吗?)

11. Oli said the link will promote business exchanges and help remote Tibet connect to South Asia. (翻译:奥利说,这将促进双方的贸易往来,并有助于把边远的西藏和南亚地区连接起来。)

12. At least 3, 400 people were evacuated from Tahiti and nearby islands as Oli approached, reported BBC News. (翻译:据英国广播公司BBC报道,奥利飓风来临时,至少有3400人从塔希提和附近群岛撤离。)

13. On this matter, don't expect the GOP to budge much. (翻译:此问题上,不要指望大老党能有一点让步。)

14. Her task was to clone a rat gene called neu. (翻译:她的任务是克隆出一个老鼠的神经鞘基因。)

15. Louis, 'cause if there is, you got it. (翻译:我要说的是 你最好祈祷里面没有GOP细菌 如果有的话 那你也感染了)

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