例句:We can linger for a moment to give you some time but only a moment. (我们只能连结一下子 帮你争取时间... We can linger for a moment to give you some time... 但只有一下子 懂吗 ...but only a moment.)
1. This will linger during the break, so take advantage of the networking opportunities. (翻译:这一切休息的时候会一直持续 所以,好好利用这些社交的机会 )
2. But sorrow... sorrow must linger. (翻译:但悲伤... ... 悲伤必定流连忘返。)
3. And let us not linger, children, for the wolves will soon be upon our door. (翻译:不要迁延留恋 孩子们 还有恶狼随时会侵门踏户)
4. Ripping off dirty ol' men, Like you lousy hicks. (翻译:诈骗肮脏的老男人, 像你们污秽的乡下人一样。)
5. This has six carbon atoms, so "hexa," hexene-1-ol. (翻译:它有六个碳原子 所以写作“hexa”: 己醇 )
6. This has six carbon atoms, so "hexa," hexene-1-ol. (翻译:它有六个碳原子 所以写作“hexa”: 己醇)
7. I may not be running, but I have no desire to linger in these parts. (翻译:我可能不能运行 有 没有欲望 流连于这些部位)
8. So you just saw this big ol' ship... moored alongside the pier? (翻译:因此你才见到这这艘旧的... 停泊在这码头好久了的航母吗?)
9. But there were problems with the GSIA approach that still linger. (翻译:然而,GSIA的做法也存在一些影响至今的问题。)
10. See if we can't get a smile outta ol' sourpuss. (翻译:看你能不能让那个一肚子不开心的家伙高兴起来)
11. But the question I asked is, is it possible to linger in the stratosphere? (翻译:想问的问题是,是否有可能在平流层逗留? )
12. You ornery ol'-- lt's so nice that Jeb finally found a friend. (翻译:嘿,该死! 你这卑鄙的老... 坚伯终于能找到个朋友真是太好了)
13. The MOA warned that more wheat crop could perish if drought continues to linger. (翻译:中国气象电台预警显示,若旱情继续,更多的小麦作物将死亡。)
14. If you'd really loved something, wouldn't a little bit of it linger? (翻译:如果你真正喜欢某件事 难道不会有一丝丝怀念吗?)
15. I took down half of the ol. (翻译:水池我搞定了一半 I took down half of the pool.)