omits是什么意思 omits的中文翻译、读音、例句

omits是什么意思 omits的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Omits' 这个词语表示省略或删除某些内容,其可以从以下三个方面进行说明:

1. 用于描述文本、句子和段落等语言表述中漏掉了某些重要的内容。

2. 用于描述个人行为中故意或无意地遗漏某些细节、信息或责任。

3. 用于描述书信、邮件、报告等文书内容编写中意外或故意省略某些关键信息。

以下是 5 个中英例句:

1. The newspaper article omits some key information about the accident. (报纸文章遗漏了事故的一些关键信息。)

2. Please don't omit any details in your report. (请在报告中不要省略任何细节。)

3. The author often omits important plot points in the novel. (作者常常在小说中省略重要的情节点。)

4. The accountant omitted to include the latest expenses in the report. (会计师忘记在报告中包括最新的支出。)

5. The email was confusing because it omitted some crucial information. (由于邮件省略了一些重要信息,所以很难理解。)




例句:But that narrative omits a few important facts. (但是,叙述中省略了一个重要的事实。)


例句:The Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi, law codes from ancient Babylon, omits number 13 from its list. (早在古巴比伦时期,《汉慕拉比法典》的列表中就规避了数字13的使用。)


例句:The PMI perspective omits one side of the coin from consideration, calling "heads" when there just has to be a tails and an edge there, too. (PMI的观点考虑时忽略了硬币的一面,在硬币背面朝上甚至直立时,仍在喊“正面”。)


例句:Gibbons' book contains more readable discussions of the material and a lot of nice examples, but omits a few of the topics we'll cover. (翻译:该书包括了更多易读的材料讨论和大量的好例子,但略去了一些我们将要讨论的内容。)


1. The PMI perspective omits one side of the coin from consideration, calling "heads" when there just has to be a tails and an edge there, too. (翻译:PMI的观点考虑时忽略了硬币的一面,在硬币背面朝上甚至直立时,仍在喊“正面”。)

2. Gibbons' book contains more readable discussions of the material and a lot of nice examples, but omits a few of the topics we'll cover. (翻译:该书包括了更多易读的材料讨论和大量的好例子,但略去了一些我们将要讨论的内容。)

3. She doesn't want me to vote, she simply omits the information... leaving me with zero. (翻译:她根本不希望我表决 她直接忽略了我的信息 让我一点表决权没有)

4. One may doubt whether our memory, which omits so much from the dream, does not falsify what it retains. (翻译:他们质疑我们的记忆是否把梦中的许多内容删除了,存在脑海中的是否只是假象,而并非梦境。)

5. For clarity, the figure omits overvoltage diodes and protection circuits. (翻译:为明确起见,图中省略了过压二极管和保护电路。)

6. However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality. (翻译:然而,这一比较忽略了其他相关因素:休闲时间、预期寿命和经济不平等。)

7. And, like the MacBook Air, it omits a built-in networking port, requiring you to plug in an adaptor to connect to a wired network. (翻译:另外,和MacBookAir一样的是,9系列省略了内置的网路介面,而是要求使用者插入一个适配器来连接有线网路。)



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