oxamniquine是什么意思 oxamniquine的中文翻译、读音、例句

oxamniquine是什么意思 oxamniquine的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In the Code of Hammurabi, where someone's ox kills a child, then the ox owner's child is killed. (在汉穆拉比法典里,如果某人的牛杀死了一个小孩,那么这头牛的主人的小孩也应处死。)


1. He is neither beautiful nor ugly. He is 4! (翻译:他既不丑也不帅 他才xx岁 Il est ni beau ni laid, il a 4 ans.)

2. Now, most people are going to tell you that Quine's belief in the inherent goodness-- (翻译:现在, 大多数的人都会告诉你... Quine的信仰是与生俱来的仁慈...)

3. That way, when he was gone, we could still, you know... (翻译:这样 他死了之后 我们还能继续那个... ox)

4. "Earl's loyal daughter visits maid in prison"? (翻译:这是... 这是... 这是什么 {\3cH202020}Oh, this is ni...)

5. OxLDL causes endothelial activation and changes its biological characteristics in part by reducing the intracellular concentration of NO. (翻译:Ox-LDL可引起内皮激活,通过减少细胞内NO浓度部分地改变内皮生物特性。)

6. We'll live on an island just the two of us, I will cherish you. (翻译:我们将生活在岛上,只有我们两个人,\ NI会照顾你。)

7. Others in the year of a Water Ox, 173 A.D. (翻译:其他学者则认为他是公元前水牛年xx年 出生的)

8. - Pulse ox 92 on ten liters. (翻译:- 脉搏血氧饱和度每十升92 - 他身体里有什么?)

9. I've never been one to pick up on "jokes." Not that there's anything wrong in "it." (翻译:我从来没有真正喜欢的笑话。他们不是我的heini? ni。)

10. When I was in the police station, my arresting officer hit me up for a part in my next movie as he was leading me over to the fingerprint machine. (翻译:我被警方逮捕 问以下filmiss? ni的作用。)

11. The raisins. No, no, no. Not swollen, not disintegrated. (翻译:葡萄既没有发胀也没有发皱 Les raisins, non, ni gonflés ni fripés.)

12. compositions are often marred by such cliches as 'strong as an ox. ' (翻译:文章经常被诸如“强壮如牛”这样的陈腐的表达方式破坏。)

13. In the last story, the golden ox lost control. (翻译:上次讲到那只金牛失了控制之后 弄到马倒人翻)

14. But we cannot Neither you nor me (翻译:但是你我 都不可以 Mais on peut pas, ni toi ni moi)

15. OK, mis ninos, everyone to bed. (翻译:OK, mis niños, everyone to bed.)

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