mendeleev abyssal plain通常被翻译为"北冰洋、门捷列夫深海平原"的意思,还有地名的意思,在线发音:[mendeleevabyssalplain],mendeleev abyssal plain是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到46个与mendeleev abyssal plain相关的例句。
Mendeleev Abyssal Plain的释义
例句:Just a plain talk on world conditions might be worth 250. (跟她谈世界局势值二百五十元 Just a plain talk on world conditions might be worth 250.)
例句:your face smashed in... wedgied raw and hard or just plain tortured. (your face smashed in... 被粗暴对待,饱受折磨 wedgied raw and hard or just plain tortured.)
例句:And if you put them on one plain, a second plain is where the content lives. (如果你把它们放到平面上 第二个平面是内容活跃的地方 )
mendeleev abyssal plain一般作为名词使用,如在Mendeleev Abyssal Plain([地名] 门捷列夫深海平原 ( 北冰洋 ))、Dumshaf Abyssal Plain([地名] 达姆沙夫深海平原 ( 挪威海 ))、Euxina Abyssal Plain([地名] 尤克辛深海平原 ( 大西洋 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Mendeleev Abyssal Plain | [地名] 门捷列夫深海平原 ( 北冰洋 ) |
Dumshaf Abyssal Plain | [地名] 达姆沙夫深海平原 ( 挪威海 ) |
Euxina Abyssal Plain | [地名] 尤克辛深海平原 ( 大西洋 ) |
Enderby Abyssal Plain | [地名] 恩德比海底平原 ( 印度洋 ) |
Greenland Abyssal Plain | [地名] 格陵兰深海平原 ( 格陵兰海 ) |
Hatteras Abyssal Plain | [地名] 哈特勒斯深海平原 ( 大西洋 ) |
Madeira Abyssal Plain | [地名] 马德拉深海平原 ( 大西洋 ) |
Mornington Abyssal Plain | [地名] 莫宁顿深海平原 ( 太平洋 ) |
Nares Abyssal Plain | [地名] 内尔斯深海平原 ( 大西洋 ) |
Northwind Abyssal Plain | [地名] 北风号深海平原 ( 北冰洋 ) |
1. And if you put them on one plain, a second plain is where the content lives. (翻译:如果你把它们放到平面上 第二个平面是内容活跃的地方 )
2. How could he possibly be called plain? (翻译:他怎么能被简简单单的称呼呢 How could he possiblly be called plain?)
3. The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench. (翻译:法国海军已经建造了一个深海潜水器,用来装载三个人去到马利亚纳海沟的基底。)
4. Psychedelic. I was just saying I love your blog. (翻译:就是在众目睽睽之下 Plain sight.)
5. And if you put them on one plain, a second plain is where the content lives. (翻译:如果你把它们放到平面上 第二个平面是内容活跃的地方)
6. We might then more simply create n-ary subtrees of "as many plains as possible." (翻译:然后,我们就可以更简单地创建“plain尽可能多”的n - ary子树了。)
7. Silk is plain woven into or to the end of Jacquard made plain formed by a silk fabrics. (翻译:绸是以平纹织成或以平纹做底提花而成的一种丝织品。)
8. - Do they not understand plain English? (翻译:-她们不懂得简单的英文吗? -不是 -Do they not understand plain English?)
9. Not only did Mendeleev completely nail gallium, he predicted other elements that were unknown at the time: scandium, germanium, rhenium. (翻译:门得列夫不仅完全猜到镓 他还预测了其它当时尚未知的元素 钪、 锗、 铼 )
10. The implication was plain, if left unstated. (翻译:即使不说出来,隐含义也很明显。)
11. The bathyal - abyssal facies , littoral facies , neritic facies and delta facies are beneficial to and gas exploration. (翻译:半深海- 深海相区、 滨浅海相区和三角洲相区是较为有利的油气分布区。)
12. "Plain" nodes that consist of a family of "plain" subtrees compact the subtrees into one longer string. (翻译:由一系列“plain”子树组成的“plain”节点将子树压缩为一个更长的字符串。)
13. Is it because Mendeleev arranged elements with similar properties together? (翻译:那是因为门得列夫以相似性质来排列元素? )
14. It's eka-aluminum. So were Mendeleev's predictions right? (翻译:所以它是铝下元素。所以门得列夫的预测对吗? )
15. But it's so boringly plain. (翻译:很高兴吧 别傻了 这么土气的项链 有什么可高兴的)