例句:Now in the laboratory, if you take a clam and you put it in the pH that is not 8.1, which is the normal pH of seawater, but 7.5, it dissolves in about three days. (现在在实验室里, 你把一个蛤蜊放到PH值 不是正常海水PH值 8.1的水里-- 而是7.5的水里, 它在约三天里就溶解了。)
例句:The adhesion mechanism of para-disubstitution phenolic adhesives for rubber and polyester cords is presented. (提出了酚醛粘胶剂粘合橡胶和聚酯绳的机理。)
例句:Now, over here, they're measuring the pH levels. (现在,在这里, 他们正在测量的pH水平。)
例句:Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him. (翻译:每个人都迷迷糊糊 皮特吸得脸发白 所以我们让他留下休息)
1. Now, over here, they're measuring the pH levels. (翻译:现在,在这里, 他们正在测量的pH水平。)
2. Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him. (翻译:每个人都迷迷糊糊 皮特吸得脸发白 所以我们让他留下休息)
3. And not everyone has a Ph.D. in science. (翻译:不是每个人都有个自然科学学科的博士学位 )
4. No? If the pH is alkali, that could indicate the presence of... (翻译:不 如果PH值呈碱性 说明很可能是...)
5. Proponents of the change argue that para is too big to be run from belem. (翻译:这种变革的支持者们辩称,帕拉州面积太过庞大以至于贝伦市不能承担其职责。)
6. - From the State of Para, Castanha, by Braganca Railway. (翻译:- 帕拉州的卡斯塔尼亚,坐布拉干萨线过来的.)
7. Reduction of pH value enhance the decolor ability of XAD-16 resin on pear juice. (翻译:降低pH值可提高吸附树脂对酥梨汁的脱色能力;)
8. ♪ ph-phresh out, ph-phresh out the runway. ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ I hear you walk ♪)
9. Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7. (翻译:纯净水是中性的,PH值为7。)
10. - Air Force Para Jumpers pulled him out of the ocean half-dead. (翻译:- What happened? - Air Force Para Jumpers 将半死的他从海里拖了出来 pulled him out of the ocean half)
11. I know this because we were measuring the pH when this picture was taken. (翻译:拍这张照片的时候 我们正在测试pH值。)
12. Yo estoyaquipara servirles. (翻译:有什么需要就告诉我 我随时为你们服务 Yo estoy aquí para servirles,)
13. No measurable radiation, no bios, zero toxicity, pH normal. (翻译:没有衡量的辐射,没有任何的BIOS , 零毒性, pH值正常。)
14. And you flip it over, and it's the amino acids with the PH at which they have different charges. (翻译:把它翻过来,是带有PH值的氨基酸 不同的PH值下带有不同的电荷。)
15. If there are any limits on PH and GH, then PH amount will get smaller. Accordingly, we will be paying old mavro debts longer. (翻译:如果我们对提供帮助,得到帮助设限,则提供订单的量将减少,这样的话,偿还旧马夫罗的时间就会更长。)