paraphysoid是什么意思 paraphysoid的中文翻译、读音、例句

paraphysoid是什么意思 paraphysoid的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:No measurable radiation, no bios, zero toxicity, pH normal. (没有衡量的辐射,没有任何的BIOS , 零毒性, pH值正常。)


例句:The two affected UH-1Ys, stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. (受到影响的两架UH - 1y停放在加州彭德尔顿军营。)


paraphysoid一般作为名词使用,如在paraphysoid hairs(侧丝状毛)等常见短语中出现较多。

paraphysoid hairs侧丝状毛


1. The XYZ axis is arranged trel limit switch, to oid the operation process of the trouble. (翻译:XYZ轴方向均设置了行程限位开关,避免了运转过程中超程的烦恼。)

2. For example, your WBS code for a specific subtask is Ph3. Prj5. Arch. Task3. (翻译:例如,某特定子任务的WBS代码是Ph3.)

3. Yo estoyaquipara servirles. (翻译:有什么需要就告诉我 我随时为你们服务 Yo estoy aquí para servirles,)

4. ♪ ph-phresh out, ph-phresh out the runway. ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ Phresh out, phresh out the runway ♪ ♪ I hear you walk ♪)

5. Time to trade in that old Ferrari for a brand new... (翻译:一次交易中 该OID法拉利一个全新的...)

6. The brutality against protesters, the para-militarization of law enforcement. (翻译:残酷地对待抗议者 The brutality against protesters, 准军事化的执法 the para -militarization of law enforcement.)

7. Hi, I'm Ray, and I Iive here in Long island with my wife, Debra... my 6-year-oId daughter and twin 2-year-oId boys. (翻译:快点,织点什么东西 我去帮孩子们准备礼物)

8. The information is returned in the form of a hash of information, tied between the OID and the corresponding value. (翻译:信息以绑定OID与对应值的信息散列的形式返回。)

9. pH And if I change the pH and I've got a molecule that I'm interested in, it may not have an acidic moiety on it, but it could still care what the pH is, slightly. (翻译:如果我改变,得到我感兴趣的分子,或许就没有酸性的那一部分,但是仍然会考虑pH的影响或许很小。)

10. No? If the pH is alkali, that could indicate the presence of... (翻译:不 如果PH值呈碱性 说明很可能是...)

11. And so he let his 14 year old son perform the operation. (翻译:所以让他xx岁的儿子做了手术 And so he let his 14 year oId son perform the operation.)

12. It's about a boy... a tweIve-year-oId boy... (翻译:那小说是关于一个男孩的 一个xx岁的男孩)

13. Proponents of the change argue that para is too big to be run from belem. (翻译:这种变革的支持者们辩称,帕拉州面积太过庞大以至于贝伦市不能承担其职责。)

14. Hi, I'm Ray, and I live here in Long Island with my wife, Debra... my 6-year-oId daughter and twin 2-year-oId boys. (翻译:这是什么? 周末Tom和Mary Anne家宝宝洗礼, 这是请柬)

15. Ys, I bought a computer fiv years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day. (翻译:没错,自从xx年前爸爸给我买来电脑后,我就一天天地熟悉它。)

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