我不确定 "parathene" 是否为正确的单词,因此无法进行说明和例句的提供。建议通过检查拼写和搜索相关含义以获得正确的信息和例句。
例句:Nothing comes to your mind? (你没什么要说的吗 Rien ne te vient?)
例句:A submari ne's only as good as its captain. (一个submari NE只是不如它的队长。)
1. You can only i magi ne if this research fell into the hands of the Chinese. (翻译:你只能我贤士NE如果这项研究 落入中国人的手中。)
2. We don't know what to take. (翻译:我们不知道选哪个 On ne sait pas quoi prendre)
3. Yo estoyaquipara servirles. (翻译:有什么需要就告诉我 我随时为你们服务 Yo estoy aquí para servirles,)
4. Why aren't you helping us? (翻译:你为什么不帮我们 Pourquoi tu ne nous aides pas?)
5. The Lamuchang Thallium deposit occurs in the core and near the core of the ne Lanmuchang anticline, and is controlled by NE-SW faults, which have relationship with the Lanmuchang anticline. (翻译:滥木厂铊矿床产于ne向滥木厂鼻状背斜核部和近核部,并严格受控于与背斜关系密切的NE向断裂组。)
6. Unfortunately I can't allow myself. (翻译:Je ne peux hélas pas me le permettre.)
7. Ne looke for entertainment where none was; (翻译:不寻求那些本来就没有的娱乐; )
8. The instrument accuracy is influenced by the construction para-meters and the disadjust of the interferometer. (翻译:激光干涉测角仪的结构参数、光路调整等均会影响干涉仪的精度。)
9. N equals R times FP times NE times FL times Fl times FC times L? (翻译:N=R*FP*NE*FL*FI*FC*L?)
10. All that is wrong All that's not going well (翻译:所有不好的事情发生 Tout ce qui ne va pas, ce qui ne tourne pas rond)
11. Sync corrections by lost0ne (翻译:-=YTET -伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译:)
12. - Air Force Para Jumpers pulled him out of the ocean half-dead. (翻译:- What happened? - Air Force Para Jumpers 将半死的他从海里拖了出来 pulled him out of the ocean half)
13. So don't mess up, or you'll mess with me. (翻译:Ne le rate pas. 否则我可不会放过你 Sinon, moi, je ne te raterais pas.)
14. Don't think with your head. (翻译:别总是用脑子去判断 Ne raisonne pas toujours avec ta tête,)
15. No actors, no gladiators, or that sort of thing, ne? (翻译:不准带演员、竞技士 或那样的人回来,好吗?)