pathologic labor是什么意思 pathologic labor的中文翻译、读音、例句

pathologic labor是什么意思 pathologic labor的中文翻译、读音、例句

pathologic labor通常被翻译为"病理性分娩"的意思,还经常被翻译为医,单词读音音标为[pathologiclabor],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到82个与pathologic labor相关的例句。

Pathologic labor的词典翻译


例句:! The situation is changed! The runaways have started earlier than estimated! (状况改变了 LABOR比预定时间提早失控了)


例句:The fruit of labor is sweetest. (劳动的果实最甜美。)


pathologic labor一般作为名词使用,如在pathologic(a. 病理学的, 由疾病引起的, (非正式)不合理的, 仅由想象引起的, 不理智的\n[医] 病理的)、labor(①分娩②劳动 )、in labor(在分娩中,在阵痛中)等常见短语中出现较多。

pathologica. 病理学的, 由疾病引起的, (非正式)不合理的, 仅由想象引起的, 不理智的\n[医] 病理的
in labor在分娩中,在阵痛中
labor with苦口婆心地劝说
of labor劳力波动
pathologic absorption[医] 病理吸收
pathologic albuminuria[医] 病理性蛋白尿
pathologic allergy[医] 病理变应性, 遗传变应性
pathologic anatomy病理解剖学


1. The platform handles maintenance for all the Labors working on the project. (翻译:一手包办全工区 LABOR维修工作的海上工作站)

2. Goto. The city-wide OS rewrite has been completed. (翻译:后藤,在首都圈的LABOR OS更换已经全部完成了)

3. The SV2 sends out malfunctioning Labors? (翻译:特车二课怎么可能 带故障的LABOR来执行任务)

4. Throw his famous Labor Day party at the beach. (翻译:Throw his famous Labor Day party at the beach.)

5. We may have to fight every Labor on the Ark, so I called in a secret weapon... (翻译:看样子,可能得与方舟内的 全部LABOR为敌)

6. Furthermore, all the labors were manufactured by Schaft Enterprises. (翻译:再加上被害LABOR 全都是夏普敦公司的产品)

7. But Shinohara, these areas always have many Labors. (翻译:不过,筱原... 这一带原本就有很多LABOR吧?)

8. You know that three of them were issued... to the New York police as an experiment... (翻译:纽约市警局实验性地 组了一支LABOR警队 并率先引进三台大型LABOR 这件事你知道吧?)

9. Marx labor theory of value points out " labor creates value, the only fountainhead that vivid labor is commodity value creation " . (翻译:马克思劳动价值论指出“劳动创造价值,活劳动是商品价值创造的惟一源泉”。)

10. In indonesia using unpaid labor. (翻译:在印度尼西亚使用免费劳动力 in Indonesia using unpaid labor.)

11. Oh, now it's kicking... then a dropkick! (翻译:啊,现在他踢了LABOR一脚 接下来又来个双脚飞踢)

12. An instrument against the labor rights that had been achieved. (翻译:针对劳工权利的仪器已被获得。An instrument against the labor rights that had been achieved.)

13. As far as they're concerned, Program malfunctions couldn't cause this kind of accident. (翻译:毕竟LABOR因为程序系统造成失控 是绝不可能的)

14. A Labor is a machine that... can do the work of ten men in less time... and this ocean project is only practical because of an intensive use of them. (翻译:以单位时间计算 比一个技术熟练的工人 拥有高出数十倍力量的LABOR 这个大量使用LABOR 而进行的巨大海洋工程)

15. He was labor, this beautiful labor, on his second birth. (翻译:在他的第二次新生中 他是一位工人 一位出色的工人)

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