pedal cycle是什么意思 pedal cycle的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedal cycle是什么意思 pedal cycle的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedal cycle在中文中有"自行车"的意思,作为名词时有"自行车"的意思,单词读音音标为[pedalcycle],pedal cycle来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到38个与pedal cycle相关的句子。

Pedal cycle的中文翻译


例句:She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal. (她猛踩刹车踏板。)


pedal cycle一般作为名词使用,如在pedal(脚的)、to pedal(蹬车)、cycle(①循环②自行车 )等常见短语中出现较多。

to pedal蹬车
dimmer pedal减光踏板
double pedal双踏瓣
dominant pedal属音持续
expression pedal脚踏音量控制踏板
foot pedal[计] 脚踏开关
forte pedal强音踏瓣


1. Because some cycle, there is a spot in the cycle, and you have not the same duty in the different parts of the cycle. (翻译:因为某个循环,循环中有个点。而在循环的不同部分,你的职责不同。)

2. Fume aspirator with control pedal to operate at test end. (翻译:在实验的最后操作具有控制踏板的烟雾吸气器。)

3. The coordination of the centrosome cycle and cell cycle ensures an accurate distribution of genetic material. (翻译:中心体周期和细胞周期相互配合以保证遗传物质的精确分配。)

4. International Business Cycle Theory focuses on the business cycle comovement between countries. (翻译:国际经济周期理论,是一门研究国家间经济周期协动的理论。)

5. It's not me-- my foot's off the pedal. (翻译:我还想活著抵达目的地 我没加速 我的脚没碰油门)

6. You go steady on the pedal. (翻译:油门踩稳一点 You go steady on the pedal.)

7. "The brake pedal had been wired to the accelerator, " Dr. McDaniel said. (翻译:“刹车踏板被连到油门上,”麦克丹尼尔博士这样形容这种基因融合。)

8. Because some cycle, there is a spot in the cycle, and you have not the same duty in the different parts of the cycle. (翻译:因为某个循环,循环中有个点。而在循环的不同部分,你的职责不同。)

9. But the insect looking at it in ultraviolet, each pedal has a white tip, so there is a circle of white (翻译:不过要是昆虫用紫外线观察 每个花瓣的顶端都是白色 所以就是一圈白色)

10. That puts you mid-cycle, not starting a new one. (翻译:这样你是在生理期中期 不是开头啊 That puts you mid -cycle, not starting a new one.)

11. When ABS is activated, the driver feels the brake pedal pulsate gently. (翻译:当激活abs系统时,驾驶员踩制动踏板有轻微的脉动的感觉。)

12. The driver slacked up on the gas pedal. (翻译:驾驶员松开油门减速。)

13. Seismic events recorded by these seismites are the responses to the Himalayan Tectonic Cycle after the Yanshan tectonic cycle. (翻译:由这些震积岩所记录的地震灾变事件,是该地区继燕山构造旋回结束后进入喜马拉雅构造旋回的响应。)

14. The Juglar cycle is sometimes called "the" business cycle. (翻译:在朱格拉周期有时被称为“和”商业周期。)

15. Clutch in, move gear, pedal down, clutch out, now all together. (翻译:关键的在, 移动齿轮,用脚踏动下来, 抓牢出, 现在一起。)

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