penultimate effect通常被翻译为"前末端基效应"的意思,其中文解释还有"化"的意思,单词读音音标为[penultimateeffect],penultimate effect常被用作名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到32个与penultimate effect相关的例句。
Penultimate effect的词典翻译
例句:parahypural Modified haemal spine of the penultimate vertebral centrum. Supports some caudal-fin rays. (副尾下骨倒数第二脊椎的变异脉棘,支撑一些尾鳍鳍条。)
例句:If I kept it open it would ruin the effect which is everything. (不关门的话就会破坏哥帅气的出场效果 If I kept it open it would ruin the effect which is everything.)
penultimate effect一般作为名词使用,如在penultimate(倒数第二个的)、penultimate cell(次末级细胞)、penultimate pinna(次末级羽片)等常见短语中出现较多。
penultimate | 倒数第二个的 |
penultimate cell | 次末级细胞 |
penultimate pinna | 次末级羽片 |
penultimate segment | 次末端节片 |
penultimate stage | 末前级 |
penultimate whorl | 末第二螺环 |
penultimate ventral segment | 亚末腹节 |
effect | 效果 |
effect of | [网络] 弱酸影响;弱硷影响;强酸影响 |
1. Do you have witness statements to that effect? (翻译:-有 - Do you have witness statements to that effect? - We do.)
2. It has that effect on most kids. (翻译:很多孩子都觉得图书馆沉闷 很喜欢 It has that effect on most kids.)
3. Does not change the fact that we still have a ban in effect. (翻译:并不能改变禁令生效的事实 {\3cH202020}does not change the fact that we still have a ban in effect.)
4. Penultimate, the sixth of the seven, embroidery, exaggeration. (翻译:七件里面的老六,倒数第二, 浮夸,吹牛。)
5. The jig is up and in full effect. (翻译:你们已经完全暴露了 The jig is up and in full effect.)
6. This is a side effect of zero matter. (翻译:这是接触零物质的副作用 This is a side effect of zero matter.)
7. The president announced that he will be stepping down with immediate effect in order to help his wife... (翻译:总统声明辞去职务,立即生效。The president announced that he will be stepping down 此举是为了照料其妻子 with immediate effect in order to help his wife...)
8. The methane concentration nearly doubled, for example, between the peak of the penultimate glacial period and the following interglacial period. (翻译:例如,在倒数第二个冰期的高峰和接下来的间冰期之间,甲烷浓度几乎增加了一倍。)
9. A good plan is about more than effect-y stuff... and vocabulary words. (翻译:一个完美的计划可不能只有特别炫的装备... A good plan is about more than effect -y stuff...)
10. In my experience, ministers are concerned about the effect of policy on domestic opinion. (翻译:可据我经验 大臣很在乎 In my experience, ministers are concerned about 政策对国内政治意见的影响 the effect of policy on domestic opinion.)
11. You fear a weakened standing will damage your ability to effect change. (翻译:你担心立场薄弱... You fear a weakened standing... 会毁掉你影响改变的能力 will damage your ability to effect change.)
12. The tides be subject to the effect of the moon. (翻译:潮汐现象源于月球的影响 The tides be subject to the effect of the moon.)
13. Faraday knew that magnetism had no effect on light that was moving through air. (翻译:法拉利知道磁场 Faraday knew that magnetism had no effect 对空气中移动的光线没有任何影响 on light that was moving through air.)
14. Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word. (翻译:意大利语单词的主重音通常在倒数第二个音节上。)
15. Effect of concentration of acetochlor: For degradation effect, there is always some effect from concentration of acetochlor, but it is tiny. (翻译:乙草胺添加浓度对降解效果的影响:乙草胺添加浓度对降解效果有一定的影响,但总体来看并不大。)