pepeidin是什么意思 pepeidin的中文翻译、读音、例句

pepeidin是什么意思 pepeidin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:User ID: The user ID used in the Create Controller Database step for example fastnet (UserID:示例fastnet的“创建Controller数据库”步骤中使用的用户ID。)


例句:Pool _ emp _ id An integer column containing the employee ID that will be used for a new employee generated at a remote database. (id一个整数列,包含用于在远程数据库生成的新雇员的雇员ID。)





1. That's Pepe Linares, the renowned Flamenco singer. (翻译:这是个有名的弗拉门戈歌手舞者Pepe Linares。)

2. That's Pepe Linares, the renowned Flamenco singer. (翻译:这是个有名的弗拉门戈歌手舞者Pepe Linares。)

3. That's Pepe Linares, a renowned Flamenco singer. (翻译:这是个有名的弗拉门戈歌手舞者PepeLinares。)

4. We have an ID on the victim. (翻译:We have an ID on the victim.)

5. I have a PePe dog, four chickes, four fish, and a nice bird. (翻译:我有一条叫皮皮的狗,四只小鸡,四条鱼,和一只漂亮的小鸟。)

6. Center not only has the ID of experienced designers, CAID. (翻译:中心不仅拥有经验丰富的ID设计师、CAID。)

7. Watson and Pepe have played very late, now they can't get in? (翻译:沃森和皮普在外头玩得太晚了 所以现在进不了家门了?)

8. This id Gabrielle Steve, this is you (翻译:这是Gabrielle Steve的,这是你的)

9. Pepe Silvia... This name keeps coming up over and over again. (翻译:佩佩·西尔维娅 这个名字一直不断的冒出来)

10. No. No ID, wallet, nothing. (翻译:没有,没有身份证明 没有钱包,什么都没有)

11. Additional properties such as case ID, material ID and product ID were also added. (翻译:其他属性,比如caseID、materialID和productID,也被添加进来。)

12. The AMI ID is the sequence that looks like ami-XXXXXXX. (翻译:AMI ID 是类似 ami-XXXXXXX 的序列。)

13. Till we get some l.D., treat everyone like a suspect. (翻译:在我们拿到他的ID前,任何人都不要放过。)

14. Are you familiar with the id and the ego? (翻译:你知道本我和自我吗? Are you familiar with the id and the ego?)

15. Pepe hasn't got to that stage yet but there's plenty of time for that. (翻译:佩佩还未到达他职业的巅峰,但对于他来说,依旧有充足时间。)

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